Progress screenshots: FGM/ Matrix Competition "WW2" (Finished) 2010


Staff member
Nov 5, 2009
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Hello Gentlemen

To publicize and celebrate the upcoming release of the new game Panzer Command : Ostfront from Matrix Games & Black Hand Studios The Few Good Men will be running a scale model competition in conjunction with Matrix Games.

The rules are simple.

1) All FGM members are allowed and encouraged to participate.

2) All entries must represent military or civilian figures, vehicles, aircraft, naval vessels, equipment or structures in use by any nation on the Eastern Front WW2.

3) All builds must be documented by no less than 3 pictures taken during construction, with the first photo showing the kit parts still on the sprue.

4) All builds must be completed by October 14th.

5) All modellers are allowed up to 3 entries and as specified in rule#3, there must be at least 1 pre-construction picture, 2 construction pics and at least 3 when completed for judging.

6) All scales and kit types are permitted, i.e. resin, styrene, alloy, wood, etc..

7) Dioramas are permitted in this build.

8) Judging will be done by a selected judge from within the FGM membership.

9) Judge's decisions are FINAL

10) Have FUN!!!!

So basically anything goes. Me, I have ordered 1:35 scale Russian Infantry to build a diorama with and will be entering it. I look forward to what you guys have to offer.

Matrix Games will be providing the prize for the competition. This will be a copy of their new game Panzer Command : Ostfront and another as yet un-named title and the winning entry will also be displayed on the Matrix Games website.

To the new members who have joined to enter the competition I wish you good luck and look forward to speaking to you on the boards.

Follow this link to find out all about the new game. Panzer Command : Ostfront
Pak 40 and crew
I just went out and bought this Pak 40 at the Battle of Narva as my competition entry, will emplace it and do some sort of backdrop..:)

Pak 40 and crew

Well that didn't take long to put together, my boys are almost ready to meet the Russian hordes but them awful square crew bases have got to go, then I've just got to paint everything up and create a dramatic diorama backdrop, should be finished within a couple of weeks..


Still experimenting with my new digicam's zoom and depth of focus etc..
Pak 40 and crew

My boys in action..
(just a rough idea for a backdrop I'm kicking around)

Well Im still waiting for my infantry to be delivered... hopefully tomorrow but I went into town and bought some more black paint, an earth coloured paint for the ground, some snow sprinkle stuff and a white Tamiya snow weathering stick. I might start on the diorama terrain tonight.
Pak 40 and crew
Just been in town to pick up this modelling stuff, my gun crew are Waffen-SS 'Nordland' at the Battle of Narva, and SS camo smocks are hellish to paint; every dot and spot has to be handpainted aarghh..
The big bag of lichen will pass for grassy clumps, and the small bag of brown 'Ballast' will do as an earthy underlay.

Pak 40 and crew

Me gun at the moment.....I decided to slap this greasy black oily undercoat on first, then will apply the standard dark yellow dunkelgelb over it, (except for the greasy black oily parts) and throw in a few streaks and splotches of olive green and red-brown.
(Been having trouble finding a good solid base (wood?) to mount the whole caboodle on, none of the model shops round here sell bases)
Yeah Im looking for wooden bases too... POS if you find anyone that stocks them drop me a mail.

Ive been working on my diorama. Started of by building up the contours with polystyrene putty.... a bit of a track cut through the middle of it... I then gave it an earth wash before applying snow sprinkle. Hairspray was used to hold it and stick it down. I then added a log and bushes. I intend to finish it of with another dusting of snow. Once the figures are complete I will line them up... apply a matt varnish to the head and shoulders and add another dusting of snow. :)

Pak 40 and crew

This is just a rough lash-up to show my current state of play-
I've decided to use the hardback covers of an old book glued together as my base, and shall glue the Narva town backdrop to some card and attach it to the base.
The gun has come out too sandy so I'm nipping down the model shop soon to get some matt yellow to mix in and re-do it.
I'll finish the gun first then start on the crew, the whole caboodle is about one-third finished..


Still brushing up on my pathetic photography skills, the depth of focus needs some work-

This is the model I'll be old Matchbox set with a sidecar, Sdkfz 11 and a 75mm Pak 40.

In this picture you can see its all on the frames, except a few bits of the diorama which I started clipping out before remembering I had to take a piccie.


The next piccie is after completion of the diorama portion (gluing it, anyways) and setting it aside to dry.


I've now completed the sidecar and am getting stuck into the Sdkfz 11...will get pics up in due course...
Pak 40 and crew

Aargh my first attempt at the red-brown camo is a disaster (below), it's far too overpowering so i'll have to go back to the drawing board to re-do it and the dark yellow.
(At least the tones are about right for the red-brown and dk yellow so it's been good practice, I had to mix about 4 separate colours for each shade)

Incidentally it's a strange kit, it's 1/32nd scale for a start instead of the standard 1/35th. And it cost me £16.99 (26USD) which is a bit steep, I thought at that price it'd contain a zillion intricate parts, but in fact it contains less parts than most kits.
Also, hardly any glue was needed, the parts just locked together and only needed a spot of glue here and there to strengthen it.
Maybe that's why Italeri charge the earth for it, because it goes together ten times easier and faster than a normal kit.
But notice they forgot to put a hole in the end of the muzzle brake which i'll have to drill out myself grrr...

Bit of progress......BMW sidecar all done, and the chassis and superstructure of the Sdkfz 11 completed but not yet mated together...had to let a bit of under-chassis stuff dry first.

Pak 40 and crew

Current state of play, I'm about halfway finished and am painting the gun deliberately scruffy-looking like on the box. (The trick was to paint a very thinned-down watery-brown coat over the guns underlying camo so that after drying it left a translucent dusty/ faded residue)
Just to make it difficult for me the crew are wearing 3 different styles of dress - field-grey overcoats, W-SS camo smock, and W-SS hooded parkas-


The box
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