Pvt FC Jacklyn H. Lucas - USMC, June 5, 2008


FGM Lieutenant General
Oct 11, 2010
Reaction score
Castelar, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina.
Jacklyn Harold Lucas was born on 14 Feb 1928 in Plymouth, North Carolina. He was an all-around athlete in high school, but in August 1942, perhaps with his mother's consent, he left school at the age of fourteen to enlist in the Marine Corps Reserve.-

Following recruit training at Parris Island, South Carolina, Lucas was assigned to posts in Florida and North Carolina. During this time, he qualified as a heavy machine gun crewman. In late 1943 he joined the Fifth Amphibious Corps at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.-

Promoted to Private First Class early in 1944, upon discovery of his true age he was kept in rear area duties for nearly a year. Desiring to see combat, Lucas left his unit in early January 1945 and stowed away on the attack transport Deuel. After a month of hiding on board the ship, Lucas turned himself in and, though he had been declared a deserter and reduced in rank to Private, was allowed to join the Fifth Marine Division, then en route to assault Iwo Jima.-


Serving as a rifleman with his newly acquired unit, Private Lucas participated in landing operations which began on 19 February 1945. The following day, while creeping through a twisting ravine near the ill-defined front line, his small party was attacked by enemy troops. When two hand grenades landed in his foxhole, Lucas threw himself over one incoming grenade, then pulled the second under his body, absorbing both blasts and saving his companions. Though initially thought to be dead, he was later found to be alive and evacuated for medical treatment. For his "conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty", Lucas was awarded Medal of Honor. At the age of seventeen, he was the youngest Marine to receive this award.-

While recovering from his injuries at the Naval Hospital in Charleston, South Carolina in the summer of 1945, the mark of desertion was removed from his service record and Lucas was again promoted to Private First Class. Discharged from the Marines in September for disability resulting from his combat injuries,

Jacklyn H. Lucas was presented with the Medal of Honor by President Harry S. Truman on 5 Oct 1945, during ceremonies at the White House.-


U.S. Marine Pfc. Jacklyn H. Lucas shakes hands with the Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. Michael W. Hagee while receiving his Medal of Honor ceremonial flag during a ceremony held at the Marine Barracks in Washington, D.C., Aug. 3, 2006.

He died at Hattiesburg, Mississippi on 5 June 2008.-

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Here's a little bit about his later years...

Lucas earned a business degree from High Point University and was initiated into the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity (Delta Omega Chapter). He served in the 82nd Airborne Division from 1961 to 1965 as a paratrooper to conquer his fear of heights and survived a training jump in which both of his parachutes did not open. When the keel of the USS Iwo Jima (LHD-7) was laid, Lucas placed his Medal of Honor citation in the ship's hull, where it remains sealed.
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