Quesition on The Road to San Cataldo



I'm playing it and I received a couple of 4.2 inch mortars as reinforcements. I didn't get a FO to go along with it and looks like none of my leaders can call in fire from them. Was this an oversight or am I overlooking something?
You are not missing something... it looks like you cant call on them... my bad, though I did run up a version of 1.1 and it llos like the Battalion HQ can access... Thank you sorry for the inconvenience and I will fix it...
I tried seeing if the Battalion HQ could call in fire but no joy so far. I was wondering if they there was a broken com link or some other game limitation in play.

Well S**t happens in real life. My opponent will be fortunate to not be the recipient of the 4.2 inch mortar fire. I'll just have to resort to other means. :)
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