Question #227 Name the truck (A - Robur LO 1800)


FGM Major
Nov 7, 2009
Reaction score
Name year and country of construction and further the exact type designation! I think that will be an easy one.

Russian GaZ 66 variant unkown, circa 1975. I think?
That oval grill has me stumped, along witht he appearant gun ring mount over the passenger side....??!!
@AirBob: That´s no gun ring, Bob. That´s only a hatch for the co-driver for the case You have to drive in unclear terrain - so the co-driver could give advice to the driver. But it could be it would be able to fit a gun ring there. That I don´t know.

@BobRock: Very hot, Bob! But no - it´s no 2500. Robur is right.

Greetings :)
Correct! My congratulations, Bob! It´s Your turn. Here a little advertising spot from the early days of the GDR concerning the ROBUR 1800A.

yes the music, propaganda material typical for ex communist East Germany I guess. Looks like a Trabant Light Truck Version. LOL
The commentary is even more hillerious. They talk of about the pride of the nation etc, here comes the equivalent to Ford and Renault hahahaha, they better had said the equivalent to a Trabbant Station Wagon lol. propaganda to the max!!! Unreal, funny! Made me laugh!!!
The shovel at the side is truly the most important feature I would imagine.
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