Question about transporting guns.



In a turn based CMX2 game, I'm wondering what the most efficient method is to:
  • Transport a gun
  • Dismount it
  • Deploy it
  • Move the truck away
I'm probably doing things wrong, but it doesn't appear that I can select the last waypoint, dismount it from a truck, pause for 20 seconds and then reverse the truck, which is what I would have expected. I only seem to be able to do so at the start of the next turn when the truck has stopped. Just wondering what best practices are.

My opinion is that if you dont have 1.5 hours to move the guns (less then 75mm) then just pushing them a few kilometers is the way to go.... Guns are tough IMO... Setup['em up and let whale.... if stuck in a situation with them mobile... find a home and deploy.... never ever pick'em in a QB unless on Defensive... not sure if this helps but.....
It's already hooked to the back of the truck at the beginning of the game (namely 'In For A Pound' in CMFI).

That raises a good point, because I don't really know how to hook a gun up to a truck either. Time to play with the Scenario Editor I guess.
First thing to do is give the gun a pause order, say 20 seconds.
Then give it a move order on where you want it placed, be sure to click on the gun's last way point and press the deploy button.
Now give the truck it's movement order, then on it's last waypoint (where it will disembark the gun) give it a pause order for 5-10 seconds then give it the reverse order.
Let me know if it works.

I've read on the BF forums that there's a way point bug with tanks with the latest patch (CMBN).
First thing to do is give the gun a pause order, say 20 seconds.
Then give it a move order on where you want it placed, be sure to click on the gun's last way point and press the deploy button.
Now give the truck it's movement order, then on it's last waypoint (where it will disembark the gun) give it a pause order for 5-10 seconds then give it the reverse order.
Let me know if it works.

I've read on the BF forums that there's a way point bug with tanks with the latest patch (CMBN).

It didn't quite work exactly as outlined. Here's what I got working when the gun was already attached to the truck (in CMFI):
  • Give gun an 'N' move order to where I want it setup.
  • Click the last waypoint.
  • Press 'deploy'.
  • Press 'face'.
  • Give the truck one or more movement orders near where I want to deploy.
Alternatively (and more logically to me):
  • Give the truck one or more movement orders near where I want to deploy.
  • Gave gun an 'N' move order to where I want it setup.
  • Click the last waypoint.
  • Press 'deploy'.
  • Press 'face'.
Apparently, the gun will only move away from the truck once the truck as no more move orders.

I had to wait until the next turn to reverse the truck, but at least the gun gets deployed and faced in the right direction as quick as possible, which is what I really wanted.

This behaviour (passengers of vehicles, be they infantry or guns or whatever, only disembarking if the vehicle has no more movement orders) has been in CMx2 from the beginning (so, since CMSF). You have to fully stop a vehicle (no orders, Pause is not sufficient) in order for the passengers to leave the vehicle. Inconvenient, but since it has always been like this, not likely to change.
OK there are a bunch of moving parts going on here. You already have good advice from @Mad Mike @Nathangun @TeddyR but there are some nuances to all those answers and one question remains unanswered (how to hook up / attach the gun to be moved).

So starting with that: to attach a gun for transport you give the gun a move order to the truck. When your mouse is hovering over the truck you will get the "down arrow load passengers icon" that means the gun crew will hook up the gun and load themselves into the truck. It is the same method used for mounting regular passengers. One more thing that you should know is that in the newest version of the engine all guns and heavy weapons can be moved a short distance and remain setup (before that you had to limber and then setup again no matter how short a distance you moved them). This latest feature can be very helpful - see below.

Let me start by saying the information above is all correct but there are a few situation specific things you can do to make things better (specifically #2 below) - I'll try to summarize them below:

1) Gun is already mounted on the truck and ready to move:
Give the truck the move orders to the location where you want the gun. Then give the gun a move order to the exact spot you want it to be. And give it a setup order. You cannot give the truck more move orders until the gun is dismounted and the crew are out of the truck. So moving the truck away will have to wait until the next turn.
The gun is slow to move and turn so you want to drop the gun off as close as possible to the location where you want the gun and try to get the drop off point such that the gun is already facing the general direction you want. I practice that means I usually have a little hook at the end of the trucks movements.
Also now that you can move a gun once it is setup and have it remain setup, you can actually setup in cover and then move the final action spot to its fighting position. For example move the truck, as described above, into the woods but don't drop the gun off at the forest's edge but inside the woods a bit. Give the gun a move order right near the truck but still hidden in the woods and setup. Then once it is setup move the gun the short distance to its final fighting position.​

2) Gun is already mounted and the truck either started where you want to drop the gun or the turn ended at the point where you want to drop the gun (or close to it):
This is one of those tricks that can really help. Occasionally a truck with a gun (or any passenger for that matter) ends the turn where you want to drop off - or close to it. When this happens you can dismount the gun *and* move the truck in the same turn! This works if and only if the gun and truck have no move orders. To do this cancel all movement orders for the truck and the gun. Select the gun. Give it a dismount command. Then a move order to where you want it to go. Followed by the setup command. Now you can give the truck move orders and when the turn starts the truck will wait for the passengers to disembark and then drive off to follow its move orders.
Same as above with the added twist that as a turn ends your truck in #1 might be nearly there. When that happens it is sometimes better to cancel all the remaining move orders and preform the dismount order as described above. You have to decide if getting that truck going is more important than having the gun spend more time moving to its final position.​

3) Gun is not mounted on the truck:
Give the truck movement orders to a location nearby the gun. Similar advice to delivering guns try to have the truck backup behind the gun so the gun crew has little turning and a short distance to get to the truck. Give the gun a move order to the truck - when you see the "down arrow load passengers icon" you have set it correctly. If the truck is a long way away you should still give the gun one long move order to the truck. It will wait until the truck arrives before actually moving. If the truck any significant distance away there is little you can do to have the truck arrive and load up and drive off all in one set of orders but it is possible. If a truck has a pause order at a way point passengers can load at that way point. But this is tricky to do because if the passengers are slow (and guns are slow) then they can miss the window and your truck will drive off with the passengers following along behind them. More detail in the notes. At this point there is no way to give orders to passengers such as the gun to disembark at the other end so you have to wait until the next turn and then you can perform the sequence in #1.
I commonly have a truck start out with a pause before a set move orders with the intention of passengers loading up before moving. This works quite well most of the time. You have to estimate how long it will take for the passengers to start the load process. If you have a squad that is sitting still right near the truck this is easy - even a 10s pause will likely be enough. The pause only has to be as long as needed for the passengers to start loading not as long as all passengers take to load. If passenger are loading when the pause ends the truck will just wait. The further the passengers are and the slower they are the harder it is to estimate how long the pause should be. There are two things you can do - estimate the pause and set it longer by 10 more seconds. Set the pause so that if the passengers fail to start loading the truck will not get very far and you can just cancel all the orders and back it up to pick them up again.
You can actually have a truck drive close to those it is going to pickup pause at that way point and have additional move orders afterwards. If you time it right the passengers will load up at the way point with the pause. This is tricky because you have to time everything correctly so give more of a pause at the intermediate way point than you think.​
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