QUESTION: Do you use TRP's



The more I play CMBN, the more I feel like the TRP is my best friend, especially when playing as the Allies... With proper postioning of an observer or HQ in command and communique with off-map assets you can wield a nasty blow to your oponent in as little as 2-3 minutes.

In Quick Battles I have grown found of the 81mm off-map Mortar as you get 100 rounds for a small expenditure and their 'call to a TRP' is almost immediate in spotting rounds.

Also I believe that the linear fire off a TRP is a quite a bit over 'effective' and at times seems a bit gamey, but boy can it rain down some really good destruction.

In one QB, I forgot to get at least 1 TRP, I usually will buy 2 or 3, and the wait for the off-map arty was very discouraging due to the 4-7 minutes by which time your opponent can be somewhere totally away from your targeting spot.

I am curious how others feel about and use TRPs... :)
TRPs were SOP in my military experience, and valuable beyond belief in my combat experience. However, since I don't play QBs, I only see them in battles where the designer has called for them. Now, to one point you make about having a TRP under observation, if I remember correctly, they need not be observed to be used. In RL, once established they could be fired upon without observing them.
I had one battle where I bought about 900 points worth and the arty did all the fighting for me...
TRPs are a must have. You can usually figure out how he's going to come at you given the terrain and TRPs cut the warhead to forehead time down considerably.
The other one I like is "putting foot to ass for country since 1976 [in my case] :)
TRP is okay but a tad gamey in my opinion. You can easily obliterate a whole platoon with a dozen linear rounds, and it is a little too deadly as well.
However, if I have to use it, I prefer setting the target in a place I suppose the enemy will be in the next minutes, since the delay is sometimes really long. If my opponent attacks, I will probably blast a treeline or a hedgerow on a flank to prevent enemy advance while I deploy my defense assets. Listen to the n00b :)
I can't say I've used TRPs much. Its hard to pass up spending the points on other shiny toys. Given Fredrocker's enthusiasm, however, I'll have to give them a spin.
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