In one of the battles for Colonel Nosov's March on Germany, I am contemplating the following...
Here is an overview of the map
- Battle Starts with Allied Player having an FO and a shit load of 203mm Arty and 300mm Rockets to drop on the town...
- After ten minutes (or maybe 15) the town should be pretty much a shamble...
- At that point All the German Troops (Axis is AI, as this is a campaign) come in as reinforcements exactly in the town as I would have had them for a proper defensive setup...
- The Allies would also receive there troops in setup positions as reinforcements and then the real battle will begin...
- As the allied player would it not be right to allow the player to perform the setup on his own troops.
- Would destroying the town with massive amounts of Arty offset the ability to setup one's troops.
- Some of the German Troops setups might become 'questionable' as maybe a squad on the 4th floor of a building now arrives and the building is rubble, do you think might ruin the battle...
Here is an overview of the map