Question regarding a large meeting engagement that is actually an attack for me…

The Great White North

FGM Colour Sergeant
Feb 2, 2022
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Canada
Playing a 7000 point ME where my opponent will reach the contested middle objective first if he chooses… There are 5 OB’s total, the major contested one is semi urban. Curious if anyone has any experience with this situation as it feels like to me I’ll be attacking an equal force. Loading a flank is not particularly attractive due to the terrain…

My initial observations are to let him set up and cut him down one position at a time and have a rocket battery on standby to smoke the crap out of my closing advance and assult point with arty to soften him up. My initial armour ranges for engagements are 2,300 meters of which I will use Nashorns…

I’m playing the Germans and him the Russians so house to house doesn’t match up but I will bring strum platoons for the full auto town fun…

I’m not generally a big arty guy but some trp’s and some 120mm 105mm might just blast my way in…

Reckless? Crazy? Please feel free to chime in. And yes my opponent is more skilled tactically than I…

Would appreciate any tips….

Thank you in advance to any and all replies…

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