
Yeah I've got a 28" widescreen and CM is stretched out horizontally, but although I've tried to squeeze it, it stays stretched.
Other people have the same problem with CM and some other older games and I gather there's nowt we can do about it.
The good news is that after a while we get used to the stretched picture and it looks perfect, no kidding, it's as if the eyes and brain make their own adjustment, amazing..:)
Most other games nowadays let us adjust the resolution so the pic is not stretched, or else there's some techy way to squeeze it but I'm too lazy to try because it don't bother me.

PS- my niece invited me over once and they were watching their widescreen TV and the conversation went like this-

ME-"What the hell, how long has your telly been like that?"
HER- "Like what?"
ME- "The picture stretched out like that!"
HER- "Where?"
ME- "There! Look at it! how can you watch it in that condition?"
HER- "It's perfect, watcha talking about?"
ME- "Let me twiddle the knobs to get it right"
HER- "Don't you dare touch it! It's a lovely picture, you'd better get your eyes tested!"

So I left them to it. Obviously their eyes/brains had had time to adjust to it, whereas mine hadn't.
I remember when I first plugged in my widescreen to play CM and saw it was stretched, I thought "I can't play it in this condition! I'll have to give up CM!"
But later when I'd got used to it I found it looked perfectly normal to me, even though it was still stretched and have happily played it ever since..:)
There should be an options menu, though, where you should be able to tell the screen NOT to stretch non-widescreen resolutions. Or you need to check the graphics drivers options directly. One of both should do it.
Like a wide screen TV you should be able tochange the resolution. My TV adjusts automatically btw.

In Combat Mission you can change the settings(resolution) of the game...
Check you screen for aspect ratio option. Every display has option to adjust 16:9, 16:10, or 4:3 ratio.

Depending on software you use check you desktop resolution (right click on desktop, properties, display). Also check for aspect ratio option on monitor.
And like Earl Of Gray says - this option should be available on graphics card settings too.
Yeah I've got a 28" widescreen and CM is stretched out horizontally, but although I've tried to squeeze it, it stays stretched.
Other people have the same problem with CM and some other older games and I gather there's nowt we can do about it.
The good news is that after a while we get used to the stretched picture and it looks perfect, no kidding, it's as if the eyes and brain make their own adjustment, amazing..:)
Most games nowadays let us adjust the resolution so the pic is not stretched.

I Like the game play with the wide screen, it's just the photo's can be a bit off the mark
I've just checked...On my monitor (Acer), that option is called "Wide mode" and has 2 values: Aspect and Full. First one keeps everything ok. Secondone streches everything unless i use it in combination with settings on graphics card panel....
I don't change my monitor. It is currently set on "full" mode. I use my Nvidia Control Panel to manage the aspect ratio, as it is the rendering program, and each program I use is automatically displayed correctly -- No stretching.

Path: Right-click desktop --> select NVIDIA Control Panel



Further reading for later NVIDIA and ATI settings:

I Like the game play with the wide screen, it's just the photo's can be a bit off the mark

What, your photos are also stretched?
With my monitor, it's only CM and a few other old games that are stretched, but photos are NOT stretched at all on my monitor!
Like some guys have said, have a go at changing your screen resolution or aspect ratio in Nvidia or in Windows.

This is for Windows XP-
Click Start>Control panel>Display>Settings,
and this screen should come up-


Drag the slider to try a different setting and hit 'Apply', then look at your desktop and photos and stuff to see if they look better, in which case leave it as it is. (you might have to restart your computer for the new settings to take effect)
If it still looks bad, go back to the slider and try another setting, then another til you find one that looks good. It can be a long job til you find the best setting.
Mine looks best on 1440 x 900.
With my monitor, it's only CM and a few other old games that are stretched, but photos are NOT stretched at all on my monitor!

That's because you are using 'wide' resolution on your desktop - 1440x900. (btw, why so low on 28"?). Most image viewers are using native desktop resolution, so they can maintain aspect ratio.
Older games do not support wide resolutions in full screen, so picture is stretched. Solution is above...
...(1440 x 900, btw, why so low on 28"?). ...

If I go higher than 1440 everything shrinks and is hard to see and read, it hurts my eyes.
I shall have to experiment and do things that people have suggested in this thread.
Try this POS: Right-click desktop --> select "properties" --> select "settings" tab --> click "advanced" button --> select "DPI setting" from drop-down list (higher number = bigger font)


I hope it helps :biggrin:
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