
The home computer..:)

Home computing took off big in Britain in 1982 when the Sinclair ZX Spectrum (below) appeared with a blistering 48k RAM and I had just had to have one.
My dad had just died that year and left us some cash so I talked my mother into using some of it to buy a Spectrum for the family, I gotta hand it to my old man for his excellent timing in kicking off at just the right time.
It set us back £160 (241 USD) and was the first PC I'd ever seen and the effect on me was dramatic, I quit board wargaming overnight and bought every wargame, flight sim and motor racing sim in sight for it and was totally hooked.
So for me, modern civilisation began in 1982 because before that hardly anybody had a home computer, unbelievable as it sounds!

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