Quick Battle Challenge



Wanting to practice my QB skills so dropping the gauntlet so to speak.

Looking for a large CMBN/ME on a large map. I have all the modules including the Vehicle Pack. We can set any rules we like but I like to play with no rarity so we can buy whatever we want to suit the map we play on.

This would be a mirror match with a twist. The twist is I don't like to play two games at once....to much for my old brain to handle and I prefer to concentrate on one game at a time....at the end of our match we agree to a rematch, changing sides but keeping every thing else the same.

Have room for one dancing partner so first come first served.

How could I forget my "Green Machine" partner from the KOH tourney. Are you up for a match?

Remember our mascot?

Okay this challenge is officially closed. I have Massimo replying here and Gary via private post so my plate is full.

ok it's up to you, I have all modules. Send me a link with your setup. I hope to no have problem with dropbox in the future.
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