Quick Battle in CM:BN with new Upgrade 4


FGM Sergeant
Apr 3, 2015
Reaction score
Czech republic
I am looking for opponent for QB CM:BN (I have all modules + Battle Pack, no Vehicle Pack) with just released Upgrade 4. Of course ladder game...
Well, if you are still interested I am happy to fight you !! :2charge:
I got it. But I had issue with your file, the game didn´t display it as "saved game". I have not this problem with other games. I have sent you email with more informations three days ago. Did you get it?
No, did not get your email. Maybe you do not have CMFB? In that case I can offer another game. Which would you prefer? CMBN or CMRT?
UPS! Here is the problem :D No, I have not CMFB I have asked match in BN, look at my first post ;)

No problem, mate...
so could you setup another QB in BN?
Yes, I realize that now! Sorry - will setup a QB in BN...
Hi @MrLongleg , can you tell me why the briefing of our quick battle says me that German Army (your side) has Force Agjustment +40%? The US army (my side) has no adjustment. This should be meeting engagement and the amount of points should be identical for both sides. Why did you set up by this way?
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