Quiz for the Boy's

This should be an easy quiz for those who have even a modicum of knowledge about aircraft.

The answer may surprise you.

"What is the primary advantage of rotary-winged aircraft over fixed-winged aircraft?"

Answer lower down

This picture provocates two questions: 1) Why is she wearing no underwear at all? And - far more important - 2) Why don't we see her from the front? :tongue1:
Funny -- I've seen a version of this where she is wearing underwear... I think perhaps it was photoshopped out?

My wife said that as well and she might actually be right - in that resolutino with rather mediocre quality it wouldn't be very difficult to retouch the picture and make it look as if that woman didn't wear anything underneath.
Yeah looks like the photoshop kiddies have been up to their tricks again; this below is the original-

That is better, but goes to show what a good photoshop program can do.
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