Quiz- What the hell's this thing?



This from Andre's album, he said I could post stuff from it but I haven't a clue what this is, it's uncaptioned-

There's loads of stuff in Andres album which ive just had to go WTF mate to
Its amazing that the turret could ever move or the gun to go up and down.
That second picture should be a Japanese tank, although I haven't been able to identify it (yet). Working on it!

EDIT: Apparently this is a Type 2 Ka-Mi amphibious tank, lost during the fighting on Saipan. (Source: Osprey New Vanguard 137: Japanese Tanks 1939-45)
Were the designers purposely trying to imitate and M4?

No idea but certainly possible if they captured some Shermans and tried to reengineer them. There also have been a lot of Japanese plane designs based on german planes but I think none of those eve reached production stage - Japan has always been VERY low on natural resources.
Yup, those two were pretty easy. Seems as if Andre has collected pictures of a lot of prototypes or one-time models. I wonder what you will find next...
This is P47 improvement - XP-47H...different engine, therefore different nose shape...
It does not look much bigger than P-47...that aircraft is enormous when you stand next to it...
Only 2 of XP-47H were made, and project was abandoned.
Probably a bit better than the original machine (whatever that one really was - there seem to have been quite a lot different versions). According to sources, the airframe and most components had been built lighter than the original patras and the plane was able to achieve 505mph in level flight - when fitted a turbosupercharger. Either way it's as ugly as day is light.
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