Rate the five battles


FGM Lieutenant
Dec 27, 2015
Reaction score
Always like to hear what battles people liked or disliked.

As the designer, I really liked battle 3 and this final battle 5, but I am sure many players might not feel the same, exspecially if the battle did not play well for them.
First let me thank you for running this tourney for us. I also want to say a thank you to all my opponents for the games, they were all fun. It is kinda tough to rate these games because there can be a big difference in what I think i is a very good scenario and weather or not I had any fun playing it...... Round 5 for example I think is a good scenario.... my experience playing it was NOT very much fun though. Those of you that read my AAR of it will know why... so instead of rating them here what I thought of them...

RD1- I really like the concept of it and the force match up but I have 1 big problem with this one..... I don't like both forces being deployed right on top of each other like they were.... having a smaller portion of them so close is fine... being close enough to have contact on turn 1 is fine..... but having them all more or less across the street is a bit much in my opinion

RD2- I like this one.... I liked the concept the map and the forces nothing to complicated or anything but a solid lil scenario..

RD3- I liked this one... The German force had a clear edge in this one but I am fine with that.. I actually kinda like the team hammer and team nail scenrios..... and the German side did have some issues to solve... attacking with a whole bunch of armor and almost no infantry into an urban area is not what you want to do usually....

RD4- Speaking of team hammer and team nail scenarios...... I liked this one even though I was team nail and only had a handful of survivors. team hammer does have a short clock and somewhat lack of long range weapons to solve. along with a possible ammo shortage..... of course they will only get short of ammo after they close distance and start sending a solid stream of 9mm rounds at the defense......

RD5- I have covered between my AAR and opening to this....
I believe that at the last battle the point parameters were somehow awkward as if the British player had stayed idle (doing nothing that is) for the whole duration of the game, (given the actual points disposition) probably would have had the second best score (around 90 points).
I believe that at the last battle the point parameters were somehow awkward as if the British player had stayed idle (doing nothing that is) for the whole duration of the game, (given the actual points disposition) probably would have had the second best score (around 90 points).

If enough players on the attack had tried and were successful attacking up through the open area. Then likely that would not be the case.

But no way to know any of that or how it would score, So as always, those that did best, really had no clue that what they were doing was going to lead to a better score.

No question though, those that pushed hard into the woods likely did not do well in the results.
Rated in order of preference:
R1 - I really like these exfiltration scenarios. They make for an interesting challenge where a well thought out plan and timing are crucial. This was also helped by the force i played, Polish airborne, and a well thought out map. Great fun.
R4 - despite not scoring any points, i really liked the scenario challenge of this one. The Poles were expected to win this one against very inferior Luftwaffe field division, but the challenge was working out the best way to approach this whilst minimizing casualties, and worrying about the cavalry coming to the rescue of the defenders. Nice map as well.
=R3 - This felt a bit overwhelming as the defender, but made for another great challenge. How to defend against an overwhelming combined arms force?
=R5 - I liked the idea of this one better than the execution. I'd set up a great defence, but was disappointed that the bunkers were never put under any pressure as my oppo decided to attack through the woods and so my VL's were never threatened. Good map though and nice force mix.
R2 - My least favourite of probably all the FW tournaments i've played (and not just because @StoneAge beat me so comprehensively :ROFLMAO:). I really didn't like the map for this battle and it felt like a QB rather than a well thought out scenario. The force mix also felt contrived, rather than realistic. The one redeeming feature was getting to play with Jagdpanthers, but i screwed that up massively!

Once again, thanks @SlySniper for another great tournament.
R2 - My least favourite of probably all the FW tournaments i've played (and not just because @StoneAge beat me so comprehensively :ROFLMAO:). I really didn't like the map for this battle and it felt like a QB rather than a well thought out scenario. The force mix also felt contrived, rather than realistic. The one redeeming feature was getting to play with Jagdpanthers, but i screwed that up massively!
Harsh, but I have to agree.
Thanks to everybody who played this tourney even if I did not get to play you head to head.

Also I would like to thank @SlySniper for all his efforts in building these scenario's. They are some the most challenging I have ever played.

Force selections in all battles were very well chosen. With the use of some of the more uncommon units in battles feeling about right to add a little flavour to the fight.

Some of the maps were not to my taste (see below)

Scenario briefings are well thought out. (see below)

R4 - Played as the Germans. 10/10
This one for me was the best battle. It had all the options available. You have a force that needs to defend to the last man. An enemy who has overwhelming firepower, if he can get in close. You will need to know when and how you are going to fall back. Nice map and a twist in the tail to finish the battle.

I would not change anything with this battle.

R1 - Played as the Germans. 9/10
Very good concept for a battle, fast paced and bloody. The Polish player seemed to have enough tools to complete his mission and the German if fast enough could close the door.

Only thing I might change is the number of units in close contact on the very first turn.

R3 - Played as the Germans. 9/10
Nice battle. Feels like a cake walk until the navel artillery strips away your supporting troops.

I would not change anything with this battle.

R2 - Played as the Americans. 6/10 with better map maybe an 9
Enjoyed the battle and the force selection. The concept of both forces having to advance to contact and then continue to push forward works well. Only issue I had with it was the map. The map to me almost looked like a mirror, I personally don't like mirror game's or map's.

I would change the map. As each player is only really competing with the players playing the same side as them. Players are not being disadvantaged by the map not being a mirror, this would only matter if you were playing both sides of this battle.

R5 - Played as the British. 4/10 more in AAR
Sorry to say this one failed for me on so many levels. Concept was good, German force makeup looked good. Just went with the wrong option.

Remove the land mines form the woods. Would open up tactical options or remove the woods altogether.
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