ready for battle



the new PC is up and running, and can show CMBN to its full glory, so looking in for some new battles, scenarios are preferred, if i already have a game with you, send me the latest file, as i lost almost all my files in the great meltdown of 011
Howdy herrbixx,

Did you get the last turn of our battle... I sent it to you and congratulated you and then you went off the air... if need be a can send it again so you can see how you beat me... I reported it to the Blitz but not here as you aren't on the CMBN Ladder... once on the ladder you can report it and I will send you a ribbon :)
ok, copy that ill nip over and do that, i thought i had already, also i did get your last file, but with the holidays and pc explosion, i got a bit lost, do you want a rematch, you can choose a scenario, or i just downloaded a lonely village, havnt looked at it yet, up for that one
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