Reassignment - NASOE


FGM 2nd Lieutenant
Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
London, UK

NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen
NATO's Supreme Allied Commander, Air Force General Jean-Paul Paloméros (France)

Creation of the North Atlantic Special Operations Executive (NASOE)

“In response to current global threats from various terrorist organisations and the covert operations of the Canton Strategic Alliance Treaty, a number of leading NATO member countries have agreed to sponsor an operational task force to counter these threats. The organisation will be by its nature a clandestine force however it is not to be built of solely military personnel or to be Special Forces specific. The force is to take a holistic approach to its objectives and will recruit from the intelligence community, police forces and any scientific or subject matter specific field required. NASOE will have authority to use direct action against individuals or groups where high level threats determine that such action is necessary. The task force does not have authority to take direct action to damage or replace a state’s/country’s governance or leadership.”

The force will comprise the following functions;
  • Command & Control Centre (CCC) – operational command group.
  • Research and Analysis (R&A) – intelligence analysis.
  • Research and Development (R&D) – in charge of creating and developing weapons and equipment.
  • Secret Intelligence (SI) – agents in the field who covertly gather intelligence.
  • Special Operations (SO) – sabotage and guerrilla warfare.
Memorandum – Lt Col Bootie ‘Boss Man’, Commanding Officer, 1st FGM.

Based upon the skills and initiative displayed during their deployment to Takistan the members of Alpha squad, 1st FGM are to be reassigned to NASOE (SO). They will hence forth operate with the designation ‘Osprey’ under the command of General Melchett. Due to the covert nature of the assignment their military records will be marked ‘Top Secret’ by all countries and any records of future operations will not be made public.
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