[REQUEST] 74th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, NW Europe -44


Ulf Norman

74th Field Regiment, RA, was part of 50th (Northumbrian) Div's organic artillery, and was as far as I can tell equipped with 24 towed 25-pdrs, 8 per battery, but I cannot for my life find the designation for the 3rd Battery in Normandy and onwards, the other two being 296 and 298. Anyone have insight in the matter?
Not sure but could it have been 205 (3rd Durham Volunteer Artillery) Battery Royal Artillery?

Found a reference to them as part of 74th assigned as divisional arty to 50 Div. Don't take it as red though...

Also re my offer to suss some bits out from DLI museum. turns out divisional histories have been centralised so may not have any joy helping on that front! If I get to go soon tho I will yell if I unearth anything useful...
Ahhhhh, I believe you're right! :) I first thought 205(3rd Durham) was the lineage unit to 74th, but it would make great sense for them to keep the original battery number too, I'll run with that! Thanks in advance for anything useful you can find at the DLI museum, @Richtig :) I did find weather info for the night of Sept 8th/9th, mornings 10th and 11th and I'm going to assume the day of the 11th was Clear, cause that's the only time Air Support shows up for the Brits. Judging by the lack of air support all the other days of the battle, weather daytime must have been fairly bad?
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