Request: Battlefronts "gsclean tool" (PC) needed



As I have problems with my license keys for CMBN and CMFI does anyone have the gsclean tool from Battlefront available to remove the keys? I guess the guys who needed this in the past know of what I am speaking...

I already opened a ticket at the helpdesk and I am sure I will receive the file soon. But having it sooner would be better :)
I've never had to use it (touch wood!), but I understand the "clean" utility is specific to eg which modules you have / keys you need to be able to re-use, etc ... so unless you get it from someone who has / had EXACTLY the same install position as you, it might mess things up even more ...

If it were me, I'd wait for their ticket response ... !!
It is AFAIK specific to the game but not the modules. But I would still wait for the helpdesk. They are very quick with that.
As we are both recommending that Strachwitz waits for his ticket response, it is something of an academic issue, but ...

It is the words in the following advice from Schrullenhaft over on the BF boards (and, IIRC, other similar posts) that I had in mind when talking about the module issue:

Upgrading your OS MAY cause issues with the license activation (since this can be interpreted as running on a different machine). If you're getting the 'Error: errorcode' error or something similar, then open a ticket at the Helpdesk and request a gsClean utility for your particular game/module that is giving you the error code. If you have several CM games, you will want to check to see if they are producing the error too. Make note of all of the modules that you have installed since you MIGHT need more than one gsClean utility.​
Thanks guys for lending me a hand and trying to help me. Everything is fine now. @poesel71 was right, helpdesk really was fast and helpfull. Everything works now as is should work.
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