Rico vs Bootie - The Random Everything Tank Battles

Bootie and I have started a series of small battles... CMBB 1000 pts Armour Only Meeting Engagements, Russians vs Germans, Everything Else random with Variable Rarity... and we switch sides as we go along.

This should be fun :)

Will post here to report on how that's going -- first battle is May 1942 and it's SNOWING!!... spring obviously a little late that year...LOL.
I flipped a coin and am starting as Axis.
My kit pick is not exactly sterling material... but we shall see, maybe Bootie got the same treatment by the AI :tape2:
Ricos tank commander looks to his right flank as his support armor erupts in a ball of flame!!

Ok in Battle 1 Rico absolutely annihilated my weak armoured light tanks with his PzIII's.

Revenge was sweet in Battle 2. Despite drawing the Germans I was given captured T-34's but possibly the better optics gave me an advantage as the floor was quickly wiped of the Russian T-34's after 5 turns.

At present we are setting up Battle 3 with the score of 1 total victory apiece and the Axis yet to lose.

Revenge was sweet in Battle 2. Despite drawing the Germans I was given captured T-34's but possibly the better optics gave me an advantage as the floor was quickly wiped of the Russian T-34's after 5 turns.

Do the german T-34s have better optics than the russian ones? i thought they were just the same, i know they didn't add radios to them
I read somewhere on one of the forums that the German (captured ?) 76mm At ammo is better then the Russian. Don't know how much better...
Yes captured T-34's have a slight penetration edge as the stats show. Perhaps Jerry modified captured shells to make them better..



The increased armor penetrating ability is probably due to the superior manufacturing techniques used by the Germans, I'm guessing the captured T-34s shells will break up less than the Russian ones
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