Round #5 Reposted

With the site having issues, it has not helped with the kicking off of the final round

Theses players still need to get round 5 started
Horza, Spoogle, Esoteric, Jheinrichk, Jtimo, Kgpanther, Cargo and Hilts
I've sent my turn three weeks ago, what is going on?
No idea I haven't seen it.

When I'm off work I will have a look at the drop box folder to see why my automated system is not seeing the file - assuming it is there of course.

Sorry, I have been crazy busy and trying to keep up with turns that come in. If one does not show up in Whose Turn Is It I don't see it. I just have had no time to chase anyone I am expecting a turn from. That's when my opponent usually says "but I'm waiting for you" and I say "no I'm waiting for you" - sigh.

We'll figure it out. Unfortunately I am out of town tomorrow so it might be Thursday before I can actually turn it around once we figure out what happened.
So, I finally got to look at this. My machine thinks turn 004 was made my me for you to play but there is a turn 004 in the drop box that is mine to play. However when I watch it it is old - a turn back. I'm not sure if a turn you sent me was stopped on on my end or not.

Worse case I can just play turn 004 again and we can keep going. Can you check your end and make sure there isn't a newer turn to play (not by the number but on the clock).

Let me know.
Team, the Jackal beat the snot out of me in this last match so I will give my esteemed and excellent opponent the honor of giving the AAR and description of our match.

Well done friend !! It was a great game and your turn rate and skills are both over the top.
So, I finally got to look at this. My machine thinks turn 004 was made my me for you to play but there is a turn 004 in the drop box that is mine to play. However when I watch it it is old - a turn back. I'm not sure if a turn you sent me was stopped on on my end or not.

Worse case I can just play turn 004 again and we can keep going. Can you check your end and make sure there isn't a newer turn to play (not by the number but on the clock).

Let me know.

the present 004 File is for Cat, Cat you need to replay and send it back to ASurelius.

Aurelius set up is in there and it plays fine.

What I saw was the file name defaulted to something else and numbered it back to 003. so you both need to watch the file naming for a few turns.

If you are using your Auto system, that might be the cause of the problem.

Actually some other players have had issues with that system lately also.
the present 004 File is for Cat, Cat you need to replay and send it back to ASurelius.

Aurelius set up is in there and it plays fine.

What I saw was the file name defaulted to something else and numbered it back to 003. so you both need to watch the file naming for a few turns.

If you are using your Auto system, that might be the cause of the problem.

Actually some other players have had issues with that system lately also.
Yeah that's what I was afraid of.

OK I will re-play 004 and sent a 005 for @Aurelius tomorrow morning - as early as possible.
OK done. Turn 005 is done and up

I noticed that the file name in the game was different - had a "WIP" in it. I tweaked it to be the same as we started with. I think I may have missed that when I created the last turn and then manually renamed the file on disk. That would have meant that @Aurelius also saw the name with the WIP and it would be easy enough to get the wrong turn number on the end that way. Probably what happened.

Hopefully we are back on track.
It works now. It jumped to a different name since I saved mid turn. When I opened the outgoing folder, I saw the mistake and renamed the file.
Cool - back on track and back to you.

Whenever I save during a PBEM game I type"_saved" after the number. The game ups the number when you save so it already has the correct number for the next PBEM turn. Once I am done and press the BRB then the game creates the name "Game Name 005_saved 001" and I can just delete the last 9 characters and get the generated name that is correct for the next PBEM turn.

It doesn't really matter what you type just delete it along with the 001 that the game adds and you are good to go.
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