In France...
A Polish government in exile is formed. Raczkiewicz is the new president and General Wladyslaw Sikorski is the Prime Minister and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.
In the South Atlantic...
Off Pernambuco, Brazil, the German pocket battleship Graf Spee sinks its first merchant ship, the British steamship Clement (commanded by Captain F. Harris). Before the battle of the River Plate, in December, Graf Spee will only sink 9 ships of 50,000 tons altogether.
Graf Spee
In Romania...
Polish President Ignace Moscicki, presently interned, resigns his post.
From Berlin...
Germany notifies Britain that armed merchant ships will be sunk without warning. The decision is claimed to be based on incidents of British merchant ships attacking German submarines.
In London...
The British cabinet authorizes poison gas shipments to France for use if the Germans begin using chemical weapons.
A Polish government in exile is formed. Raczkiewicz is the new president and General Wladyslaw Sikorski is the Prime Minister and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.
In the South Atlantic...
Off Pernambuco, Brazil, the German pocket battleship Graf Spee sinks its first merchant ship, the British steamship Clement (commanded by Captain F. Harris). Before the battle of the River Plate, in December, Graf Spee will only sink 9 ships of 50,000 tons altogether.
Graf Spee
In Romania...
Polish President Ignace Moscicki, presently interned, resigns his post.
From Berlin...
Germany notifies Britain that armed merchant ships will be sunk without warning. The decision is claimed to be based on incidents of British merchant ships attacking German submarines.
In London...
The British cabinet authorizes poison gas shipments to France for use if the Germans begin using chemical weapons.