Scenario Ideas


Staff member
Nov 28, 2011
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Perth, Australia
I'm completly swamped with RL work at the moment not to mention a CMBS campaign to set up (*cough* @Bootie *cough*) and being part of a community driven CMBN scenario pack being created surrounding the Battle of Arracourt. I have quite a few scenario ideas I'd love to do but feel I'll never get the time so thought I'd share them. Perhaps there's a budding designer out there in search of ideas.

Oh for a winning lottery ticket.

Could be a good little sceanrio inspiration thread so feel free to add your own ideas. What little blurbs would you like to read while searching for a CMx2 scenario/campaign to play. Some of mine:

(CMRT) Comrade, at dawn take command of your infantry company and cross upstream from the bridge our forces plan to use later in the day. The bridge is being closely watched by a dug in German flak battery. As our aircraft fill the sky overhead distracting the German crews, close in and take them out.

(CMBS) Retreating Russian forces have taken up refuge in a large landfill site outside of the city. Our boys in the air are having trouble pin pointing their positions so you’ll have to go in on foot.

(CMBN – MG) We have a German coastal battery garrison that is refusing to surrender. Captain, take your men in to quell the Kriegsmarine resistance so the battalion can move on. We don’t expect fierce resistance once the shorting starts, but needless to say this isn’t a major objective for the Division’s advance towards Germany, so keep those casualties to an absolute minimum in getting this done.

(CMx2 – But probably more for WW2 titles) Take control of a reinforced Battalion and press forward by any means necessary. Division HQ expects your Battalion to be at X in Y days.
o CMx2 Campaign with a CMx1 “Operation” inspired set up.
o Use of a single Master Map.
o All forces on both sides are Core Units.
o A terrain objective is placed for each mission to determine if the player has reached far enough forward to progress further on the map towards the end goal. Failure means a repeat of the mission. (Essentially a Yes/No switch).
o Player has the choice to wait for better conditions / night / reinforcements etc before launching an attack. Though will need to balance out engagements with forward planning.
o Supply (and possibly some form of infantry replacements) only arrive at set times.
o By design points outlined above, player can also use CMx2 battles to not advance but opt to thin out opposition numbers in front of them prior to making a concentrated push.
++++This idea sort of got off the ground then faded last year with myself and Wyntergreen discussing possibly doing this for the 101st Airborne's push towards Carentan.++++
(CMBS) A company of US Infantry is inserted behind enemy lines to make contact with pro-Ukrainian militia and disrupt Russian movements towards the front lines around Kiev.
Playing Battle For Wiltz 2.0 and A Nasty Surprise H2H, both CMFB, and CMFB's Mortville and Huertville, all large enough to have multiple players but all permitting multiple ways to go about victory and thus would think good replay value. Most have a fun recon phase, hit main line of resistance, and, then, reinforcements fight it out. Given replay value and value as multiplayer or even mini-campaign would suggest such an approach for new scenarios.

When accepting new player challenges I received three Huzzar! scenarios to play so this is an obviously popular scenario and has the recon phase and main line of resistance fight built in (so does Carbide Carbide on same map) so that idea seems well received by players, perhaps because there are a number of ways to play it. One completeled, thanks Scipio, two others stalled...sigh, come on guys.

Other ideas for CMFB would be bringing over CMx1 x scenarios and old Squad Leader scenarios for conversion: Battle for St Vith; Battle for Elsenborn Ridge; Battle for Clervaux.
Well... wouldn't *that* be an endeavor.

Another source of inspiration for the conversion of scenarios could be the Close Combat series.

All the maps are beautifully hand-drawn and elevation information is also available. The battles tend to be on the small side, with a company being the biggest force any side can have. Heck, I may convert one from Cross of Iron myself.
@Ithikial, with your great wealth of CM knowledge, do you know if there are CM maps out there for the Normandy beach landings at Utah, Gold, Juno, and Sword? I've got one for Omaha, looking for the others.

A some what different direction to the above, I'm working on trying to use John Tiller's Panzer Campaign software combined with CMBN to create a single player large scale dynamic campaign. Whilst being part of Fredrocker's Hell's Highway campaign I've realised I'm missing a large scale operational objective to my single player experience. By using the JTS Panzer Campaign's AI as my operational opponent, I'm using CM Quick Battles to play out and resolve the various Allied and Axis battles which are suitable for CM fighting. I then adjust the PC battle result based upon the CM outcome, thus my CM battles influence the overall Panzer Campaign. PC works at a Battalion and Coy level, includes air/artillery support, has the detailed OOB info suitable to create the CM battles, so CM and JTS look like they compliment each other.

I'm still working through how to balance the FOW versus data management and to ensure the interaction between PC and CM is repeatable and fairly robust functionally. I'm also still weighing up using a CM QB straight from the box, versus setting up the opponent forces in a QB map in the editor so that it's a preset battle. I don't want to create AI plans, but I'm not sure how well the AI handles units manually added to QB's. Manually adding gives me more fine tuning of forces, but it also drastically reduces the FOW in CM so I'm leaning towards the straight from the box method.

I've seen people have run H2H campaigns using PC, hopefully I can get something working in single player. Once I've got my first process draft up and running, I'll happily share some type of work instruction if anyone else is interested.
I just downloaded 'For King and Country' a new campaign released over at the BF forums (not on Scenario Depot yet) that follows the Sherwood Yeomary from D-Day to the end of June. First mission is an amphibious landing at Gold Beach near the village/strongpoint of Hamel. A quick squiz at the map and it looks workable. :)

There was an Omaha beach campaign released way back prior to the 2.0 upgrade, even before the Commonwealth Module I think, that followed the 29th US Division at Omaha and beyond. I don't think the campaign is really balanced anymore given the drastic upscaling in MG lethality that occurred in the 2.0 upgrade but there should be a good Omaha beach map in that one.

Also for Utah, look at the Brecourt Manor scenario that shipped with the base game. The map extends all the way to the coast even though it's just for an artillery mission. Not sure how accurate but could be a good proxy for Utah.
You just had to didn't you @Ithikial !!!!! :shocknaz:

How did you know I had next week off and was looking for a campaign to solo play then. Grrrrrrrr It just sounds tooooo goood.

I just downloaded 'For King and Country' a new campaign released over at the BF forums (not on Scenario Depot yet) that follows the Sherwood Yeomary from D-Day to the end of June. First mission is an amphibious landing at Gold Beach near the village/strongpoint of Hamel. A quick squiz at the map and it looks workable. :)

There was an Omaha beach campaign released way back prior to the 2.0 upgrade, even before the Commonwealth Module I think, that followed the 29th US Division at Omaha and beyond. I don't think the campaign is really balanced anymore given the drastic upscaling in MG lethality that occurred in the 2.0 upgrade but there should be a good Omaha beach map in that one.

Also for Utah, look at the Brecourt Manor scenario that shipped with the base game. The map extends all the way to the coast even though it's just for an artillery mission. Not sure how accurate but could be a good proxy for Utah.
I could not find anything flagged for sword, juno or gold and nothing specifically flagged as utah either. Here is what I did find in case it helps you (might just be the ones you already have for omaha.

Says simply it is US landings on June 6th but the name of the scenario file says omaha:
http://www.combatmission.lesliesoft...arios/Omaha beach, Vierville Draw Attack.html

116th at Omaha: Omaha1-1.html

Omaha Beach: Beach.html

The Blue and Gray 29th infantry campaign has at least two beach landings: and Gray.html

Also there are these two that might be of interest.

This represents a post D-Day landing in support of ground operations - no idea it this is historical or not: Front Property.html

This is also post D-Day against a battery position north east of the beaches: Draw Poker.html
(CMFB) Krinkelt-Rocherath - The Twin Villages - US Forces desperately try to delay the Germans as they push forward on the north shoulder of the Ardennes offensive.
Note: The map was already made as a QB map but doesn't appear to of made it as a scenario. Lots of variety of units here over the 36 hours of fighting in the area.

(CMFB) The Battle of Puffendorf - November 1944, the 9th Panzer Division with a company of King Tiger's in support attacks the US 2nd Armored Division as it forms up for it's own attack in the Roer region.
Note: Honestly, after my Arracourt activities are completed this is probably one I'll look at more closely. An armour commander's wet dream. :)
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