Scenario needs Testing, looking for a couple of H2H test subjects



Hi all

Almost completed, a new scenario named Das Dorf des Todes. Medium size fictional battle of Units from the 4th Infantry Division vs the 331st German Infantry Division in and around the village of Oye-Plage. 50 min (+), dawn, light fog/rain, no wind, about 2400 pts per side... I should have the H2H version done tomorrow, a Allies vs AI version is available. If interested in H2H testing please send me an email HERE. Here are some in process screens:




Ok Facman and Bootie

I have sent emails to both of you with the Battle Zipped up... I really do appreciate you guys giving this a go... Feedback Good, Bad or Ugly is always welcome... :)
Hey Bootie, Facman

I have sent that file to BFC for analysis, as I see nothing wrong with it... though it has hung up CMBN on 5 computers now, all when creating 004.ema So its got to be something in my setup.... though the Allies vs AI game from which I copied it works great and I have gotten feedback from three people.... and I didnt do much to the H2H version.... changes the briefing, reinforcement schedule, setup zones...

Anyway thanx for all you have done and your time.... When fixed if still interested I will contact you.... Sorry for the delay, my wife's Mom passed last Monday and we were up in SE Kentucky taking care of things...

Hey guys I got the H2H working properly now... if interested let me know!!!!!
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