Second Armchair General, youtube on CMBN Tactics "How to Attack fortified position"



Armchair General presents another Combat Mission Normandy Tactics;

Episode II , Attacking a Fortified Position: This tutorial takes viewers step-by-step through an attack on a fortified enemy position, the sort of brutal "stand-up-and-slug" action General Omar Bradley warned would be required in Normandy. It covers planning for the attack, movement to contact, how to use engineers, supporting fires, and combined arms most effectively and how to maneuver, in order to minimize your casualties in a difficult situation.
In this second video we will take you through an attack on an enemy fortified position step by step. We will cover: planning for the attack, movement to contact, use of engineers, use of supporting fires, combined arms, and how to maneuver.


I remember playing this battle that the good Colonel Jeffrey Paulding, used as an example...I got wasted. This isn't an easy battle to play as the Americans, but Col. Paulding shows us how it should be done...."damn why didn't I think of that"

Enjoy and Merry Christmas FGM
Lighthorse :snowman:
Here one of the reply to a remark someone wrote Col. Paulding on his first youtube.

Great video. Just what we need to help survive on the virtual battlefield. I was wondering, what difficulity setting do you recommend and what does the different settings actually do to gameplay? Also did you play the original Combat Mission and how would you say they compare?

Jeffrey Paulding says:
10/10/2011 at 5:07 pm

Sir Slash -

I usually play on Warrior. Warrior has more realistic indirect fire delay times and spotting rules.

I have played the original Combat Mission series. In fact, the first game review I did for Armchair General was on Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin. The original series was great after the changes the designers made in the game play for second game: Barbarossa to Berlin. In the original series, the infantry was somewhat abstracted, and one figure stood for 3-4 men. The current game engine animates each man and has better infantry AI than the original series. All the work Battlefront did on the infantry AI in the Combat Mission Shock Force series is what makes Battle for Normandy such a great combat simulator.

If you don’t have the computer horsepower to run the current series well, you should play the original series.

Here another reply;
I plan on making five more videos in approximately six week intervals. The next videos will focus on specific operations: how to conduct an attack, planning a defence, etc.

And another question with a reply back;

Hi Jeffrey,
Excellent video. More please!
I would like to know your thoughts about how to achieve fire superiority in hedgerow country. It’s more easily said than done in my case.

An example from a blog entry I wrote a couple of months ago:

Jeffrey Paulding says:
10/17/2011 at 10:36 am

As was historically the case, achieving fire superiority is not easy in the bocage. Getting indirect fire on the target is usually the best way to achieve fire superiority; for or the linear cover provided by bocage is not that effective against mortars and artillery. Advance your forward observers to a position from where they can spot the enemy in the bocage; use direct fire to cover the FOs. Once the defenders are suppressed by direct and indirect fire you can try to flank them. The key is to be patient and take thing one step at a time.

Sir Slash says:
11/29/2011 at 10:59 am

Hello Col. I’m currently playing the Road to Monteborg campaign, the 5th scanario has the American airborne defending against the Germans and I don’t know if you’ve played a defensive battle yet or not but the AI in this game is much improved on offense than previous Combat Mission games. It’s using scouts, area fire and arty preparation VERY well. Almost too well at times. It’s not human level yet but greatly improved and much more of a challenge. I was wondering if you found this to be true too and your thoughts/ suggestions/ tactics.

Jeffrey Paulding says:
11/29/2011 at 11:11 am

Sir Slash -
I have not played the Road to Monteborg yet, but my son tells me it is tough, so I don’t have any advice for you on tactics.

I must admit, most of the time I play by email against humans, so my experience with the AI is more limited than you might think. Thanks for your comments about the AI. Battlefront is always improving the AI. From what I have seen, the AI is competent even on the attack, especially in terms of using “school solution” tactics.

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