Sector 5



Ok, I just got my arse kicked by Wardog in sector 5!
But I'm on orders from high command to take that sector and keep it!
So which one of you red devils is gonna meet me there?

PLEASE NOTE:That I have one more week till i go on vacation. I'm at home and can do TCP/IP or also guarantee a high turn rate.
So please only accept my challange if you can guarrentee me the same!
Because this fight needs to be finished within 1 week!!! (Aug 13)

@Von Reich
Sry m8 if i havent been paying attention, but what are the parameters now?
And do you want the last file to extract the map for the next challenge? (Is that possibly i wonder??)
PLEASE NOTE:That I have one more week till i go on vacation. I'm at home and can do TCP/IP or also guarantee a high turn rate.

Because this fight needs to be finished within 1 week!!! (Aug 13)

Sry Van Reich and Wardog, but as you can read in my first post I'm on holidays till end of August.
Unless your happy with waiting till then, i feel i must lay down my challange and let someone else step in.

Be warned, as soon as I'm back I will want blood!! ;)
I'm back Gents!
I'll go rummage in my email inbox and get the game setup Wardog.
You can expect to see the file dropping in your mailbox soon ;)
Regards Breaklight
Sry Lads, due to real life I'm out of the picture for two weeks. Got LFX in germany.

Press Pause, I'll be right back!
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