

FGM Major
Nov 7, 2009
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Hello comrades, can anybody help me? Since a short time I have problems with my browser. It redirects me often to pages/sites I never clicked on. And sometimes a warning is shown which tells me my security isn´t up to date. And even if I let the security-programms run over my desktop after this it find the security.hijack-problem. Most I can transfer it in quaratine. I think I can remember me there was a post here before a longer time where this problem were discussed. But I can´t find it. I GO CRAZY IF THIS PROBLEM CAN´T BE SOLVED THE NEXT TIME!!!

Greetings and thanks!
Yeah I got a browser hijacker was damnably difficult to get rid of. The security warnings you get are quite probably the hijacker itself trying to get you to click a button that installs even more crap on your PC. You can quarantine the active executable, but there will be more...and more.

Sites like this one specialise in helping you remove it.
What exactly You meaning? I´ve the sound of multiple clicks if I using the Explorer but not if I´m using Firefox - but this crashs very often. Let me know what You mean, please!

It means if you see a message like "WARNING! YOUR COMPUTER IS INFECTED! CLICK HERE TO INSTALL SECURITY SOFTWARE!", don't click it because it might be a hoax.
If you do click it, it might download crap (scheiss, krappen) onto your system.
It happened to me once, and I had to ask experts at Bleeping forum to help me get rid of it.
Yeah I got a browser hijacker was damnably difficult to get rid of. The security warnings you get are quite probably the hijacker itself trying to get you to click a button that installs even more crap on your PC. You can quarantine the active executable, but there will be more...and more.

Sites like this one specialise in helping you remove it.

They're talking about the bit in bold, Sempai.

I suspect you know the "Your security is not up to date" stuff is the hijacker itself.
It sounds like Malware issues there are good sites to get rid of that. My wife was having the same problem...
Here is her link free down load and it cleaned up her problems.
Sorry, Sempai. I had something that fit your description like it on my wife's computer some months ago. In the end, I couldn't do anything with it.

She has a new computer and I use AVG for security on it (the pay version). I also use carbonite back-up service (a pay service). I am going to assume you have security software. If not, ooooh noooooo!

I go to to keep abreast of what is going on in the electronic world. Its in English, if that works for you. Plus, she's easy on the eyes. The site can direct you to quality free security software.
Thanks Comrades! And don´t worries USS Wyoming! I think if I moved I´ll delete my PC and make it completely new. But I will take a look on the sites You all told me - and try what there is adviced. And if all shouldn`t work - there is a big hammer somewhere in my cellar. I didn´t used it for a long time. :)

Thanks again, mates!
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