Sept. 15: ‘Battle of Britain Day’


FGM Lieutenant General
Oct 11, 2010
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Castelar, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina.
Sept. 15th in known as ‘Battle of Britain Day’, when in 1940 the Luftwaffe attacked Fighter Command with all its might and lost. Throughout Sept 15th 1940, Fighter Command had to use everything at its disposal to counter the two main attacks by the Luftwaffe but by the end of the day any threat that Fighter Command had faced had been repelled. While the Battle of Britain continued until Oct 1940, the real threat posed by the Luftwaffe was broken on Sept. 15th and with no control of the skies or the English Channel, ‘Operation Sea Lion’ had to be called off saving Britain from any chance of invasion.

Fighter Command shoots down 56 German aircraft. This costly raid convinces the German High Command that the Luftwaffe cannot achieve air supremacy over Britain, and the next day daylight attacks are replaced with night-time sorties as a concession of defeat and on Sept. 17 Hitler postpones Operation Sea Lion, the invasion of Britain, until further notice.


Remains of a Dornier Do 17 shot down by RAF (Sep 15 1940)

In the news, a even though the figures were more often than not quite considerably very much overestimated by newspapers, the radio and the authorities, it gave a sense of security to the people that even though they had to bear the discomfort of days and nights of bombing, the British forces still had the upper hand and winning the war.

The true figure was 56 german aircraft had been shot down to the RAF's 27, and not as shown by this newspaper on Monday Sept 16th 1940:
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