Sex With an illegal

Subject: Sex with an illegal.

An illegal immigrant picks up a hooker.

"Hey, how much you charge for an hour, sister?" he asks.

"£100," she replies.

In broken English, he says, "Do you do immigrant style?"

"No" she says.

"I pay you £200 to do immigrant style."

"No," she says, not knowing what immigrant style is.

"I pay you £300."

"No," she says.

"I pay you £400."

"No," she says.

So finally he says, "OK, I pay £1,000 to do immigrant style."

She thinks, "Well, I've been in the game for over 10 years and have had
every kind of request from weirdoes from every part of the world. How bad
could immigrant style be?"

So she agrees and has sex with him. Finally, they finish.

Exhausted, the hooker turns to him and says, "Hey, I was expecting
something perverted and disgusting. But that was good. So, what exactly is
immigrant style?"

The illegal immigrant replies, "You send bill to Government."

The best solution then is an amnesty for illegal immigrants, granting them resident status. According to a recent report commissioned by London Mayor Boris Johnson this would have the effect of raising £3bn for the UK economy

See Telegraph article here

To quote Boris:
"This new report has introduced some long overdue facts, hard evidence and academic rigour into a debate which has far too often been dominated by myth, anecdote and hearsay.

So far from a financial burden, as some suggest, this new research has found an amnesty could be worth up to £3 billion a year to the country's economy. "
How can you say that, The cost of building detention centres, feeding them, clothing them, medical attention, and they end up smashing up the very places that they are living in, think perhap's we should think again on that one

Well at that stage they arn't Illegal Immigrants yet. They are asylum seekers while being held in the detention centers, if their asylum case is rejected then they should be (by law) deported, if it is accepted then they get given leave to stay and can get jobs and pay tax.
Very interesting article BanquosGhost, and welcome to the FGM!

It's amazing how counter intuitive the solutions to the types of problems are.

I remember reading Hernando De-Soto's experience with granting property rights to illegal squatter slums. (Mystery of Capital) When their physical assets were finally given market value, their owners could leverage that value through myriads different ways, benefiting the local economy. It's amazing what power a simple house deed has.

A squatter has no rights, nor any responsibilities, doesn't pay tax, isn't part of the community, is in fact totally isolated. A house owner on the other hand is part of the larger community, has responsibility to contribute to that community, can receive support from that community, etc. Everyone benefits by absorbing these freewheeling illegal squatter communities.

What at first seems an impossible premise, that granting illegals amnesty actually improves the economy, is proven true through actual experience.
Well at that stage they arn't Illegal Immigrants yet. They are asylum seekers while being held in the detention centers, if their asylum case is rejected then they should be (by law) deported, if it is accepted then they get given leave to stay and can get jobs and pay tax.

As soon as they come into a country illegally they aren't asylum seekers. Asylum seekers try to get into the country legally. Illegal Immigrants are queue jumpers claiming to be Asylum seekers. They should be deported immediately, and put at the back of the list. We have a massive problem with ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS/REFUGEES in Oz, costing us billions a year. It was under control until the new Labour Gov got into power. We went for 3-5 boats a year, to 110 and counting in the last 2 years since Kevin Rudd(Elmar Fudd) change the laws. these people might be desperate, but so are all the others that try to get in legally. These people are queue jumpers, and shouldn't be allowed to even apply for refugee status.
Are you aware of the following?

The Australian Federal Government provides the following financial assistance/Benefits to AUSTRALIAN AGED PENSIONER and ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS/REFUGEES LIVING IN AUSTRALIA. Look at the difference
Weekly allowance - AGED PENSIONER $253.00 / ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT $472.50
Weekly Spouse allowance - AGED PENSIONER $56.00 / ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT $472.50
Additional weekly hardship allowance - AGED PENSIONER $0.00 / ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT $145.00


If I were a refugee, why would I look for work?
So tell me, say for example, how do you get from north korea to australia or the UK legally? you sure as hell can't fly out of there, and even if you do get out into china (no way in hell you could jump the north/south border) you can't fly out of there because you don't have a passport. And thats probably true for a lot of other countries.
Then maybe the North Koreans should rise up and change their system of government. I would have to say that is a pretty bad example anyways. I doubt that North Koreans are pouring into Australia. But I can imagine that Phillipinos or Indonesians are. So are the Phillipinos seeking Asyllum.....doubtful. I don't really know what the nationality of the Immigrants are that are going into Australia are but I bet less than 1% are coming from North Korea or similar places.
WOW, I must have been away from this forum longer than I thought. A few months ago I lamented that I never hear any political banter from our European members and when I checked out this thread, I was certain it was about a new Arizona law here in the US.

How spectacularly refreshing! It was old fashioned politics and wasn't about us. I see 'Labour Gov, Hernando De-Soto, London mayor, aged pensioner, links to the Telegraph", all these phrases that our literally foreign to American political debate. How nice of everyone to share some European politics with an US policy wonk.

thanks all,
So tell me, say for example, how do you get from north korea to australia or the UK legally? you sure as hell can't fly out of there, and even if you do get out into china (no way in hell you could jump the north/south border) you can't fly out of there because you don't have a passport. And thats probably true for a lot of other countries.

The vast majority of illegal refugees coming to Australia on boats are from Afghanistan,Pakistan, Iraq, and Sri Lanka.

Lord Bane is right about North Koreans, we have none coming illegally, and only a few legally. Thankfully, he is wrong about the Phillipinos and Indonesians. They aren't coming here illegally, and only a few come here legally.

I have no problem with people wanting to come to Australia. What I have a problem with, is them coming here illegally, and us having to pay for them. If they want to come here, DO IT LEGALLY. Sure, life is tough in these places, and if I could snap my fingers and made everything prefect I would, and things are far from prefect in Australia. But then I'd be some sort of God, which I'm not. but as you can see from my previous post these illegal refugees are getting more money off our government than our old age PENSIONER, who work and paid taxes for 40 odd years. How is that right. When the illegal refugees are in our "detention centres", they get free medical, free dental, free food, free accommodation, and $50 a week. These "detention centres" have T.V.'s, DVD's, sport grounds and equipment, play grounds for the kids, and recreational rooms. They have it better than most of the old age homes.
Perhaps we are confusing the term "illegal immigrant".

This is what i believe to be the Stance the UK law takes on Classes of immigrants

EU citizens:

can move to the UK with no visa or registration i believe. They work here, they pay there taxes, most of them end up leaving before they take any of the money they put in to the welfare system

Immigrants with Work Visas From outside the EU:

We've recently implemented a points based system similar to the one you have in Australia for skilled workers wanting to come in from outside the EU. These guys tend to be a great benefit to high tech companies, universities etc etc. Again, they pay their taxes

Asylum Seekers:

These are people who come into the country, by any means who upon their arrival in the country claimed asylum. They are classed as asylum seekers until their case is heard and they are given leave to remain or denied it. The system has been pretty clogged up for a while now, cases can take years to be heard. While their cases are being heard, they are given accommodation and food vouchers, but no cash i believe.

Failed Asylum Seekers:

These are the ones who are not judged to have a genuine case for asylum, they should then be deported. At the moment some people manage to just disappear into the 65 million odd people there are over here. They are then treated by law the same as illegal immigrants. Sometimes we get this wrong, sometimes the people we send back are killed/tortured/raped etc etc after they are deported.

Successful Asylum Seekers:

These are the people who are deemed to have a genuine case for asylum, i believe they are then given a leave to remain certificate or visa and that last for a period of a few years, in that time they can choose to become a British citizen and many do. The leave to remain certificate entitles them to all the benefits of the welfare state, however this really is a pittance and many do go onto find full time employment.

And finally

Illegal Immigrants:

These are the people who have slipped into the country somehow, ranging from overstaying a work/visitor permit to rowing across the channel or through the channel tunnel. A lot these people tend to go onto work essentially as slaves, they need to work to earn to survive, but only unscrupulous employers will employ them, so they pay them well below the minimum wage knowing they can't complain. If they are discovered i think they should be deported, but again i don't think this always happens

Well i'm sure ive missed a few things out, and thats just as i understand it, so if anyone wants to prove me wrong go for it : )

I don't really know what the situation is in australia but illegal immigrants over here are not entitled to state benefits

As soon as they come into a country illegally they aren't asylum seekers. Asylum seekers try to get into the country legally. Illegal Immigrants are queue jumpers claiming to be Asylum seekers. They should be deported immediately, and put at the back of the list. We have a massive problem with ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS/REFUGEES in Oz, costing us billions a year. It was under control until the new Labour Gov got into power. We went for 3-5 boats a year, to 110 and counting in the last 2 years since Kevin Rudd(Elmar Fudd) change the laws. these people might be desperate, but so are all the others that try to get in legally. These people are queue jumpers, and shouldn't be allowed to even apply for refugee status.
Are you aware of the following?

The Australian Federal Government provides the following financial assistance/Benefits to AUSTRALIAN AGED PENSIONER and ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS/REFUGEES LIVING IN AUSTRALIA. Look at the difference
Weekly allowance - AGED PENSIONER $253.00 / ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT $472.50
Weekly Spouse allowance - AGED PENSIONER $56.00 / ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT $472.50
Additional weekly hardship allowance - AGED PENSIONER $0.00 / ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT $145.00


If I were a refugee, why would I look for work?

You hit right on the head there mate, refusal means no appeal and they should be sent home straight away, there is nothing wrong with these people, it's a strong fact they that we are over loaded with people from EU Plus countries,
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