Shocked and awed......



I just received my copy of CMSF in the post and downloaded the patches. Until I had to purchase the 1.21v patch. I know it's only a dollar, but I feel I shouldn't have to buy a patch for a game, I might buy the British/Marine add on's if I think it would be worth my while, but I wouldn't pay $1 for a patch unless I make a saving on the add on's I might buy.

Any comments would be welcome.
Damn Battlefront and their treacherous ways!
Lord Bane
I've had CMSF for a couple of years but have never been able to like it much and eventually uninstalled it. But I recently re-installed it again to have another crack at liking it.
However when i saw I'd have to pay a dollar for the patch I thought "What cheek! No way hozay!" and uninstalled it again, this time for good.
i know a dollar is peanuts but it's the principle of the thing. BF shouldn't charge their loyal customers a cent, they should be delighted that customers are interested in their products, and happily give patches away free to keep the interest alive..
I played CMSF with both addons for a long time, and loved it. Jonny then got me playing CMAK/CMBB, and for me there is no contest. CMAK/CMBB is the best by a long way. Both sides are fairly even, and technology isn't doing the fighting for you.
Ah, I see... You have to pay the $1 because you purchased the 'wrong' version of the game (not the one directly offered by BFC themselves). Please don't ask me why, but they had some deal going on with Paradox Entertainment providing a somewhat different version (from the installation and licensing standpoint) and apparently Paradox has stopped supporting CMSF altogether. And that's why BFC charge you (and all others having bought the game game via Paradox AND Gamersagte) - they need to set up a new license and delivery system for the Paradox buyers which costs them time and money, see here:

What I don't know is how this is gonna affect the modules, but I guess you'd have to buy the patch for them, too - sadly, the modules have to be patched to 1.21 as well. If you're already done with CMSF, so be it. I don't like this any more than you do, although I'm in no position to complain anymore (and that's NOT because I have to support BFC's standpoint or am a fanboy!). Bottom line: only pay if you think it's worth it, otherwise give it a pass. Only then you won't be able to play with anyone else because 1.21 is the version we're all using.
...i know a dollar is peanuts but it's the principle of the thing....

That's my point, why not charge me $1 for the other two patches. Well if I like playing the campaign I might even buy the add-on's as well as the patch. :playball:
Ouch that does suck

If you do buy the extra modules perhaps get them from battlefront direct (if they are compatable) this should save you from having to buy the extra patch
I had to pay the dollar to reinstall a base version fo the game for you guys with no add ons. :)

Now that's what I call dedication! And if Bootie can do it, others should do it as well. I have an inkling, though, that Nathan might be buying the add-ons as well...
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