Just a shout out to @Nelson1812 for his scenario "Retaking of Koshtovnist."
After I don't know how many years since he asked me to play it, I finally remembered and played the bulk of it over the Christmas break. Quite a large scenario with a good mix of armoured and infantry forces. Quite unique for CMx2 where the scenario is designed for you to be initially overrun by a monster force and then need to try and retake the lost ground entirely with reinforcements.
Scored a Total (but bloody) Victory as the Soviets surrendered about two hours into the battle. If I was playing as the Soviets I'd feel a bit cheated by this result given the poor state my Germans were in at the end of the battle. Maybe a slight tweak to the VP calcualtion to include points for German force preservation and some initial Soviet artillery would be helped. Regardless very minor criticsm. I also think I caused far more casualties with the rear guard than was intended, with some of my initial men managing to hide away amongst the town of Koshtovnist for the entire battle allowing for a link up late game, not to mention a constant supply of intel about Soviet positions/movements throughout.
Thumbs up and worth a shot for those who play against the AI. Would try hold out again.
After I don't know how many years since he asked me to play it, I finally remembered and played the bulk of it over the Christmas break. Quite a large scenario with a good mix of armoured and infantry forces. Quite unique for CMx2 where the scenario is designed for you to be initially overrun by a monster force and then need to try and retake the lost ground entirely with reinforcements.
Scored a Total (but bloody) Victory as the Soviets surrendered about two hours into the battle. If I was playing as the Soviets I'd feel a bit cheated by this result given the poor state my Germans were in at the end of the battle. Maybe a slight tweak to the VP calcualtion to include points for German force preservation and some initial Soviet artillery would be helped. Regardless very minor criticsm. I also think I caused far more casualties with the rear guard than was intended, with some of my initial men managing to hide away amongst the town of Koshtovnist for the entire battle allowing for a link up late game, not to mention a constant supply of intel about Soviet positions/movements throughout.
Thumbs up and worth a shot for those who play against the AI. Would try hold out again.