Simple question:



Hi, everyone:

I asked this in my introduction thread, but either I missed the answer or it was not yet noticed.

Very simple question: what is the PBEM system in CMx2's (e.g., FI), is it still the same as CMBB (i.e., WEGO system) or is it backward like other turn based games (IGOUGO)?

It is not exactly the same as the old CMX1 PBEM system. You receive your opponents file and watch the action for 60 seconds. You then plot your moves and send back. He opens, watches, plots and re sends.

Gone is the day of the old system. Every turn you watch and plot moves. You can play real time over an IP connection but not turn based like the old system.
I assume they have changed the system to "YO! WOW!" :D because now you see a little "movie" with every turn you receive - CMx2 is so much better than the old one! :)

The days of "show three men per group" are over! ;)
awesome! Thank you guys. Now I have made up my mind, the only question is to buy CMFI or CMBN's new version now ;) Hope I will be able to see you guys on the battlefield soon!
Both tiltes is my suggestion.. Completely different OOB and terrain.. Very different combat... Maybe you could buy CMFI and, when CMBN 2.0 is released or Market Garden, you can take CMBN with the new engine. But bocage combat and Italian theatre combat are really two different things..
If you can buy only one title right now, I recomment to buy CMFI, since it already uses the new CMx2-v2 engine with many small, but important improvements.
CMBN will be updated in the future, too. The update will be for free, of course, but for now you can wait...and likely buy the bundle including the Brits module for a bargain price til then.
...CMx2-v2...CMBN will be updated in the future, too. The update will be for free, of course...
I don't believe that's the intention. Patches (which fix broken things, like the mortar retargetting bug fixed in CMFI 1.01 patch released this week, or adujst existing features like the Breda MMG/LMG reload times fixed in the same patch) are free. New content like Armour Cover Arcs, moveable waypoints and editor features (as are provided in v2) will cost. So far, BFC have given us to understand that this cost will be nominal: ca. $10 for the upgrade on its own, or 5$ if bought alongwith the Market Garden module (which will require v2 to run, so if you've not bought the upgrade already, you'll want the bundle when you get around to Market Garden).

As to which to buy first, I'd say since CMFI 1.01, CMFI, as it stops mortars in direct fire mode being The Hand Of God (or the Foot Of Monty Python - you pays yer money and takes yer choice...). That will revert to "whichever intrigues you the most, as a theatre of combat" once the fixes are backported to v1 of the engine, as used by BN, or the upgrade for BN to the patched v2 comes out, whichever is first.
Oh, really? Obviously I was a victim of disinformation...
Or simple confusion. It took several threads and dozens of posts before some people got the hang of the news on the BFC forum. Peoples' lexicons vary so much across languages and game communities: a "Patch" to an MMO player might include swathes of new content as well as bug fixes and balance adjustments. BFC have tried to be quite specific about what each of "Family", "Module", "Pack", "Patch" and "Upgrade" means in this particular little world, and by and large I think they've succeeded.
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