Slitherine PBEM++

Sure. Not at a gaming computer so possible minor errors and no screen shots. I suspect you guys can figure it out form here.

The PBEM++ servers are hosted by Slitherine so you need an account there. You need the user name, password and email. You cannot leave the email off - it will appear to work but it will fail without telling you why.

To start an open challenge from nothing do this:
  1. Create a Slitherine ( account.
  2. Start a CM game
  3. Go to Options and the button for PBEM++ log in (I am certain that is not the correct menu option but I am also certain you guys can read the list and see the right one)
    1. sign in with your new user account, email and pw
  4. Back at the game's main menu select Battle
  5. Start a battle the usual way but when you are selecting how to play the battle (Real Time, Turn based, PBEM, etc) there is a new option Automated PBEM - choose that one
Now sit back and wait. If someone picks up the challenge the you will get an email that it is your turn to play a turn in your new game.

You do not need to set a password in game as the system protects the turn files and your opponent cannot access your files (it is hard to even get them but not impossible)

You are now off to the races.

To start a password protected challenge do this:
Same as above except for step 5 there is an option to password project the challenge. That just means the challenge shows up with a * next to its name and anyone taking it has to know the pw you set. That way you can start a challenge with someone in particular and they are the only ones that can pick up the challenge.

To play your turn do this:
  1. Start the CM game
  2. Select Saved Games on the main menu
    1. at the bottom of the screen select PBEM++ to switch the view form your local saves to the server
    2. If you have not yet signed in (step 3) you will be prompted to sign in - do so (do not forget the email)
    3. note you don't actually have to use the Options menu to sign in you can just do it on demand here
  3. Play your turn as usual - saving the turn will send it to the server instead of your HD (yes a files gets created locally and the uploaded but you don't really get access to it so just pretend it's not there)
  4. Wait for the next email notice that it's your turn.
That is it. There is a knows issue with surrendering - if you surrender you risk your opponent never seeing the end screen. Just don't do it. Agree to a cease fire instead that works like normal - aka eventually the game will end :cool:
Now sit back and wait. If someone picks up the challenge the you will get an email that it is your turn to play a turn in your new game.

You do not need to set a password in game as the system protects the turn files and your opponent cannot access your files (it is hard to even get them but not impossible)

You are now off to the races.
How do you log on to the Slitherine PBM++ server to see and select from available games?
Thanks so much. @Badger73 shall we set up a small game to kick the tyres on this thing?
@Bootie - if you don't mind a somewhat erratic turn reply schedule (some days just don't go well for me; I'm still in the long process of sorting that out with the health care experts), I would enjoy giving it a go. Maybe something small on the East Front. I seem to recall that you've authored a few CM Red Thunder scenarios; or anything else you're inclined to try. It's been too long since I last played any CM H2H. I would very much like to get back into it. Thanks!
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Are you guys up and running?
Yes we are!
Player 1 (@Bootie) successfully selected a battle and gave it a password. Player2 (me) used that password to select the battle from the PBM++ available challenges list.
Here's a question. After I selected the match to play my initial turn, I was presented with another password screen upon saving. Should I have created a different password for myself within this match or continued using the password Player 1 used to set up the game?
Seems a pretty slick system.
Yes, so far; more password entry than we used to do, so that takes some adjusting. And . . . I forgot to hit the "replay" button before hitting the big Red one . . :oops:
Still, I was able to cntl-alt-del into Task Manager and quit the game without saving. Then I could go back to grab my turn again and play it correctly. I've grown more cobwebs than I realized!
Here's a question. After I selected the match to play my initial turn, I was presented with another password screen upon saving. Should I have created a different password for myself within this match or continued using the password Player 1 used to set up the game?
There is no need to set an extra pw. I have done it by accident thinking it was the original challenge pw and then I had to keep doing if for the rest of the game - sigh.

The system makes it so only your turns are open-able by you so you should be able to just no have a game pw. It's a little wonky but a side effect of knitting the way CM works in to the way Slitherine's PBME++ system works.
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