Sniper Rifle Tests



Also known as the Barrett .50cal, and there's also an M107 TWS (Thermal Weapon Sights) version.

Going prone and using the bipod ensures steadiness of aim-

I set up the test on the desert map to guarantee an unobstructed line of sight.
Also the puffs of dust from near misses will help me range in.

The target (single man) is circled but invisible to our naked eyeball at 1km-

But zooming in (hold right mouse button) reveals his presence-

Looking through the sights-

Hold the RM button again to zoom further.
After a couple of shots fell short, I try this elevation and BANG!-

down he goes-

SUMMARY:- If this elevation works for me, it should work for other people. (I'm vanilla Comb Ops)
(I know we can press keys to adjust the range so that we can lay the crosshairs smack on the target and get a kill but I'm too lazy to fiddle with that stuff )
How do we zero the weapons in and adjust the range?

According to the manual we have to do it by messing about with the PgUp/ PgDn keys, but like i said I don't bother with that stuff because by the time we've finished fiddling about, the enemy might have buggered off.
Like I always say- "if you've got the shot, TAKE IT while you've got the chance"
You should try ACE :)

I tend to stick with unmodded out-of-the-box 'vanilla' Combined Ops because the big problem with addons/expansions etc is that nobody will be singing from the same song sheet if different people use different addons.
The only mod I use is the 'Summerpack' graphic mod which gets rid of the awful Chernarus multicolored autumn tree colours and turns them lush green.

I was reminded of the Arma2 incompatibilty issue again only yesterday when I downloaded a bunch of singleplayer missions off the net, the first one wouldn't load because a message came up saying I was missing some jpeg or other, and the second one crashed to desktop after 5 minutes, so I deleted the whole lot from my missions folder in disappointment.
Obviously the guys who'd created them were using various big addons and expansions and packages and stuff which I hadn't got, hence they were incompatible with my almost-vanilla game.
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