Soldier Digs out 2 IEDs With Bare Hands


Staff member
Nov 5, 2009
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I agree he is under paid...oh yah why is he over there in the first place?
Be interesting to see your input if Canada started getting attacked... bombs on trains, planes flown into buildings, a terror alert status of severe meaning an attack is highly likely.....

My brother is due to be deployed to the Helmand province this year and frankly the more of those IED's that get removed the better. Im a worried man.
He has balls of steel to do that, as do everyone who goes over there. My hat's off to them all.
Its probably a whole lot better digging them out of the streets of Fulusha, or where ever, than the streets of Detroit, Atlanta or Montreal!
I think that this video is somehow fake.
Anyone with the most basic EOD knowledge or basic training of countering IED threat would never do this thing.
Expect of suicidal it will be also very dangerous for people and material around.
A common tactic of insurgents both in Iraq and Afghanistan is to plant some easy to detect IED's and the moment that the CIED team responded blow the real IED located somewhere near.
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