Something entirely different...


Earl of Grey

That's the last model I worked on (the base isn't finsihed yet):


Some other models I have reworked in the meantime but which were finsihed quite a while ago (and belong to teh same bunch of guys):



Picture quality isn't that great - the lighting wasn't perfect and we still have to fiddle with teh settings of our camera. I expect the next pcitures to be much improved!
Pretty neat work for 28mm scale....very nice. Do you game with them?
Yup, absolutely. That's what they're there for. (Although I admit I'm more of a collector than a gamer.)
Figures are something I don't have much experience with, except for block painting 1/72 scale soldiers when I was a young fella so I could then blow them apart :D....and also some Warhammer stuff for my son, but it was mostly undead skeletons or fully armoured figures, so didn't have to worry about flesh. The first 1/35 scale figure I do for the tanks will be a real education.....quite looking forward to it though. Love your use of shading and washes there (except maybe inside the cloak of the first figure?)....all painstaking individual paint layers blended into each other I'm guessing.
Correct, no washing - that just doesn't look real on cloth (I've begun to do that for metal parts, though). The shading you see on the cloak and the loin cloth are individual paint layers blended into one with some artistic freedom (the contrasts on the loin cloth are pretty strong).

It's a tried-and-true technique that works pretty well - and if you want to see a model that nearly drove me nuts using that technique, look at the thread "Templar Sergeant, 13 Century" on page 2 of the section. If you want to know how I did it, just ask.
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