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Hey fella's.

Sorry I've been MIA for quite a few months. I started working for a video game company as a Systems Administrator and its been consuming my time hour by hour. I plan to play a little here and there and try to participate in a few events (when time permits.)

Just wanting to touch base and say hello.

Cool. What company are you working for (if you're allowed to tell us)? And real life ALWAYS comes first no matter what. I quit a CM campaign because of real life commitments...
Working for a company, I don't want to have it keyword'ed - Lets just say its a big company that moves very fast, and trying to keep up is 3/4th the battle. A lot of people play their social gaming platforms, use their phone apps and have played their console/pc games.

-At this point working for the DOD or some conglomeration (lol) seems more appetizing...
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