Soundmods & PHP (or probably javascript)




TL;DR: I'm looking for someone who knows PHP or probably Javascript to make a tool to easily compare mod sounds.

I didn't want to hijack these two threads ( and but they made me think:

I like sound mods but they are hard to compare. There are a LOT of sounds and you never hear them all in a game. Sometimes you like some sounds but dislike others. But which sound is that? Difficult to find out.

So why not make comparing easier? Webbrowsers can play sounds and display data.

Sound mods live under a directory 'sound/' in your data/ folder (usually hidden in a brz file - these can be unpacked). Inside sound/ the sounds are all (quite) neatly sorted into folders like air support/ eplosions/ incoming artillery/ soldier movement/ and so on. Inside these are other directories or .wav files.

Imagine a table - columns <Name> <BFC> <Mod1> <Mod2> ... Each following row is either the name of a directory or the name of a wav-file. If its a wav file then the cell to the right of it holds the link to the original BFC sound. The next one to Mod1, the next Mod2...

What you now have is quite a big table and every row holds BFCs original sound and the modded versions (if any exist). You could hear the original and the modded version, compare and choose. Your own mix of sound mods is then only a few copies away.

Now comes the ugly part: I tried to make that in PHP but it's a long time since I last did that and I was never good at it anyway. So I failed. :(
I could write down the whole thing in pseudo-code (it's pretty straightforward) but I'm lacking the knowledge of the language to implement it. I guess this could also be done in Javascript but I know even less of that.
What I can provide is enthusiasm :), programming knowledge and a server to test this thing (although I will have to ask BFC if this can be made public of course).

I'm looking for someone to help me get this thing going. If you are interested either reply here or send me an email. Thanks!
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