Soviet Rocket's



As a Soviet player is it considered bad form to drop a rocket barrage on your opponents deployment area turn one?

I haven't as yet, I have used the delay to set a strike up where I thing my opponent will be after 5 minuets etc.

Just thought I'd ask,as Soviet spotters are next to useless. My last attack was 200m out and only managed to kill one of my troops and lots of squirrels (and yes I did give him an extra 5 mins to get it right).

So any thoughts would be much appreciated.

It depends on type of battle (ME, attack, probe?) and whether you are attacker or defender.

I would say dropping barrage into attackers setup area in turn 1 in any game poor form. Most PBEMs have (unstated?) agreement no arty into attackers setup for at least 5 minutes.

But dropping a minute 1 barrage into defenders setup area in probe or attack is fine.
My personal "house rules" for this are:

No pre-planned arty (even with a delay) for either side in a meeting engagement.

No pre-planned arty (even with a delay) for the defender in an probe/attack/assault.

So, the only situation where turn 1 arty into a setup zone is acceptable is when you are commanding the attacking side in a probe/attack/assault.
My personal "house rules" for this are:

No pre-planned arty (even with a delay) for either side in a meeting engagement.

No pre-planned arty (even with a delay) for the defender in an probe/attack/assault.

So, the only situation where turn 1 arty into a setup zone is acceptable is when you are commanding the attacking side in a probe/attack/assault.

Red, thanks for holding off the rockets on our match. It would have been ugly. I didn't know about these rules, but they make sense.
Red, thanks for holding off the rockets on our match. It would have been ugly. I didn't know about these rules, but they make sense.
I do have rockets (all Soviet commanders have to choose rockets it's the law) and they are pre-planned as the Soviet Observers are horrible. It just seemed a bit of an a-hole move to drop them on the first turn. More of a challenge to try and guess where your opponent will be in later turns.
I only choose light rockets as medium and heavy you only want to use in bigger games. Calling in an observed strike is a waste. I would have to target the whole village just to have a hope of hitting your troops, and even then I might not hit the village. So unless I find a better solution it's going to be pre-planned or direct with assault guns.
Not a big PBEM'er here so never been front and centre of my mind.

However my understanding from the wider community is pretty much inline with what Meat Grinder has said earlier. Only in assault situations as the attacker.

It would be very hard to get agreement from the community but it would be good if some of these 'house rules' were possible to lock in during QB setup to prevent any misclicks or misunderstandings once the force selection starts or battle gets underway:
Want a no off-map support plotting during deployment rule? - Check box selected on the setup screen.
Want a no aircraft force selection rule? - Check box.
Want a 1:3 'Big Cat' ratio enforced? - Check box.

Virtually universal across the games, but granted CMBS could be a little different.
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