Suggestions for User Created Missions


Earl of Grey

Jsu something that came to me when trying OA with Bootie: Every player can customize his profile so he has a custom face.
What I really liked to see would be if each of us had his own "ingame persona" - meaning: if we did a little commando-style raid it'd be pretty cool if each of us went into battle with his own personalized ingame model and gear. Example: I'd like to have the "KSK Team Leader" model with either a G36K or a G36C SD depending on mission objective. Oh, and I'd take binoculars with my standard loadout, please. :biggrin1:

Oh, this thread can be used to discuss/suggest all kinds of things relating to us (or, rather, YOU) building missions of course.
And theres also one that when you get into a vechile, your squad patch is displayed on the outside of the vechle.
Example, you get intoa truck, and the FGM logo as sqaud patch is shown on the trucks door.

Pretty cool ;)
That IS pretty cool. Although I wasn#t exactly talking about mods but rather about assigining one of the already existing ingame soldiers to each of us. Having MODDED soldiers for each of us would require quite a lot of customizing - more than I have proposed anyway. :tongue1:
no mate not at all. That thing on the vechiles has to do with a squad xml. pretty simple to set up. And as for custominzing your face, you do that yourself, keep it down to 28kb and its no problem. search for it at armaholics or bohemia forums.
Ppl been doing that since OFP ;)
Okay.. Why not pick up my first suggestion: Focus around a combined badass specops team - we'd have a British (Bootie), a German (me), a Dutch (Breaklight - could take a Czech model) at least. And we're doing some recon/sabotage behind enemy lines during a fictive conflict (or centered/situated around/in the SP campaigns).

Say the first mission is a recon mission to check general enemy force disposition in the AO. And during the mission we discover intel on the whereabouts of a high-ranking enemy officer and we then go on a hunt... how does that sound for a start?
In between we could change characters and do a good, old-fashioned tank battle or even some air missions depending on what the GM wants us to do (and is able to provide).
Mission One, standard sabotage work behind the lines. disrupting of enemy lines. Couple of ambushs on supply convoys
Mission two. Tasked with locating air defences and artillery. sabotage the aertillery and air defense radars.
mission three. convoy ambush. turns out to be different kind of convoy. take a prisoner and learn where the leader of the bad guys hang out.
mission four. infil to target bad guy.
mission five. take out the bad guy with a laser dsignator and escape

Something like that?
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