
The Superbowl is the final football game of the season and is between the NFC and AFC Champions. In this case the New Orleans Saints and Indianapolis Colts. Who ever wins this game is the champion for the year and is awarded the Lombardi Trophy. Currently the Colts are favored to win. It should be pretty obvious just by these few sentences that American Football is far superior than any old soccer game.
Lord Bane
It's just slow padded rugby really.

...arrrghhh!!....OOhh that hurts....Heathens...all of you...Football (American Style I may add) is the sport of a Free People.....Where over grown men beat the hell out of each other for the adulation and amusement of the masses.....
It is a sports spectacle that I think is comparable to the Olympics, if you condensed the Olympics into one day.

Consider who can attend a Super Bowl. There are approximately 700 tickets of nearly 80,000 that are generally available to the public. They are basically a draw. Some acquaintances of mine from here have been applying for Super Bowl tickets for twenty years. This year they were successful. I have another friend who is a Budweiser distributor and has been to a half dozen or more Super Bowls. Tickets at face value can be as high as $4000.00 US for one seat, and those are regular seats not luxury suites. I think I heard that minimum would be at least $400.00 for nose bleed seats.

It is also the perfect TV game. Lot's of stoppage of play for advertisers. Here's a tidbit that I'm ashamed to know. All fans of American football should block this entirely out of their mind because it is so ... American??

The amount of actual action from the snap of the ball until the whistle blows the play dead is....... around 12 minutes for the entire game. Sad, but true.

You know the real reason it is the favorite American sport...we are the only ones who can afford to play it at this level. Playing tackle football starts at the 5th grade with full pads,helmets, leagues, the works. Another unique feature that is overlooked...there is no substitute once organized play is over for someone. In nearly every American athletic endeavor you can continue to participate in a similar, although not necessarily competitive format after your best days are behind you, except for football.
The amount of actual action from the snap of the ball until the whistle blows the play dead is....... around 12 minutes for the entire game. Sad, but true.

And that for me is the nub of the issue. In rugby and Football (soccer if you really must, but we invented it so we get to call it what we want!) you get a full 80 and 90 minutes of action.
I don't know what to think to Invictus, when i first saw the trailer i nearly wet myself laughing but im starting to think it might be worth a watch.

Incidentally i tried explaining cricket to an american one time, they just didn't understand lol
Ahhh, but here is where soocer falls flat, at least within the American sports scene. They play continually and scores are rare. Any play, at any time during a weekly slate of games of American football, there could be a score. The outcome of the game can and does change even when the contest appears decided.

Hockey is as close as we come to soccer and low scoring has been suggested to why it isn't more popular here. But, we have to excuse hockey a bit. In soccer you get a penalty for laying a player out, but in hockey you get applause. Scoring on grass ought to be easier than scoring on ice, especially when opposing players aren't getting paid to put your head through the wall.
Of course, rugby is altogether a different animal. You can play rugby here when you are past your prime. You can play it at the amateur level. But, you better have some money saved for medical services over the course of a season.
No need mate, we have the NHS ;)

An old friend of mine actually snapped someones shin playing rugby lol
I'm a massive fan of the NFL, been following the lowly Jets since 1986, back when they were almost all Kelly green and a certain Jim O'Brien played for them. I'm really looking forward to the game, I follow it all winter on Sky. Sad but true! I like a lot of sports, but for pure history and hype, and entertainment, once you understand it, american football is tops for me. I'm looking forward to an offensive shootout, or at least a close game.

And if anyone's interested, I play in a PBEM American Football league, called Gameplan. If you want any more info, PM me and I can give you a link to the website and to the forum which I inhabit. It's a British-based league, but I have seen one US-based player and several from other countries, and as turn deadlines are once a fortnight, it's not as if a time difference makes any difference!
The Morgan Freeman fim "Invictus" is based on the book "Playing the enemy" by John Carlin which is a cracking read. I'll be interested to see if it transfers onto the screen.

I think the NFL is great, but I prefer to watch highlights.
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