Suppression meter warning



Does anyone know, what the orange bulb, called "suppression meter warning.bmp" besides the suppression meter is good for?
When is it lit?
10. Suppression Indicator - an inverted color-coded pyramid indicates the amount

of suppression the selected unit is enduring at any given time. It also gives the

player a rough measurement of the total volume of incoming enemy fire. As the

color moves from green to yellow to orange to red, the amount of suppression

increases, and the unit will be more likely to go to ground, panic, or break. When

units are pinned (i.e. they can shoot but do not respond to movement orders),

or panicked, routed or broken, that status is shown in the suppression indicator

display as well. A small dot to the right of the suppression indicator will light up

if the unit is Brittle.


Troops who have suffered heavy casualties and have become shaken or panicked,

but have not recently been under fire, may partly recover to a “broken” state

where they return to player control, but are so “brittle” that any significant further

incoming fire or further casualties will cause them to become shaken or panic

again very quickly.
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Thanks. This info isn't in the RT and FI manual. where did you find it?

I am in the finish of an interface mod but I don't have any savegames with brittle units. Maybe anyone who could supply me with a savefile containing a brittle unit with the lit indicator?
Thanks. This info isn't in the RT and FI manual. where did you find it?

Cambat Mission Engine Manual 3.0 (or 3.1)
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