


"In a situation where somebody is obviously defeated does it make sense to just surrender, or drag it on to the end?"

People sometimes ask me that question, so I thought I'd throw it open to the forum and move it to the Tactics Section after enough replies are in.
Personally if I know I'm going to lose, I have no problems surrendering to make a nice clean break and put it behind me and move on.
For example i surrendered early in a game against Johnsy only last week.
Under the FGM ladder rules the loser ALWAYS gets 1 point and the winner ALWAYS gets 5 points regardless of whether it was a Total or Minor victory etc, or whether the loser surrendered or not, so there's no sense in dragging it out if we know we're beat.

However, in some tourneys, or some other club ladders (depending on their ladder scoring system), it's sometimes NOT a good idea to surrender, because generally speaking a surrender boosts the other guys winning percentage score and level of victory, and drops your own, so in such games it's usually necessary to drag it out to the end to make him fight for every point even if you know you're beat, rather than surrender and gift him extra points.
For example I haven't been able to surrender in some of my Ardennes Firefight tourney games even though I was losing, because surrendering would boost his score which would be unfair on the other players in the rankings table, so I have to fight on to the bitter end to try to hold down his winning score as much as possible.
(Incidentally, although surrendering boosts the other guys score and victory level, it does NOT automatically always give him a Total victory, I've sometimes surrendered in FGM ladder games and he only got a Major vic, it depends what losses you inflicted on him before you surrendered)

So to sum up, my answer to the question would be- Surrendering is fine in FGM ladder games because the winner gets the usual 5 pts and the loser gets the usual 1 pt anyway.
But in other ladders and some other tourneys where the level of victory counts, think twice about surrendering because if you do you'll boost the other players score, so you may want to drag it out to the end to try to hold down his winning score as much as possible.
When I deem the situation hopeless I will surrender. But in Dom 3 I have stopped doing that just to hopeflly deny the enemy an initiative hex.
I would rather try and extricate my forces off the map than surrender...just the thought of it is hateful!!
Lord Bane
I would rather try and extricate my forces off the map than surrender...just the thought of it is hateful!!
Lord Bane

If you mean drive them off the map to escape the enemy so he won't score points by killing them, that's another question we can throw open to the forum, how many people do it?
I don't do it myself, I just put them behind covering terrain and hope he won't find 'em.
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