Talk about your Pomp & Circumstance!!

Well that is one of the sillest things I have seen. It looks like a big show and yes there must be training in the Ministry of silly walks.! That is one fo the funniest things I have ever seen. Or, it would be if it wasn't so serious.

I really liked the handshake at the end.
Wacky. Bizarre. Absurd. And not just a little bit bonkers...

But, I wonder... Maybe the purpose of this ridiculousness is a sort of release valve to diffuse National tensions... A daily silly walks competion beats nuclear diplomacy...

Reminds me of what Mandela did with Springboks... Sport as a forum for progressive politics... interesting.
I like this theatric ceremeny very much. A very expressiv and sophisticated choreography.

And dont forget: Social rituals have formed a part of human culture for tens of thousands of years. Rituals can aid in creating a firm sense of group identity.
Btw, when i saw wrestling for the first time (in a age of 15?) i found it very, very ridiculous too. This has not changed up to now.
You can imagine that it has grown into a very serious competition. Look at the concentration of the soldiers. One mis-step and your off the team.
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