Tapes to CD?



I've got a bunch of old cassette tapes like this


with all sorts of music on them and I want to burn it all from the cassettes to CD/DVD, how do i do that?
There's loads of software out for this, just google it :)

You basically plug your tape player into your sound card and play them into the PC where you record them then burn them.
Hey I bet that would work to get rid of the click from my 8-tracs. :lol:
Yes thanks mate, the guy in the vid makes it look easy, i've downloaded Audacity so i'll nip out tomorrow and buy a lead to connect the headphone and microphone sockets..:)
Incidentally there was a 'Tapes to Disk' black box being advertised in the papers last year for about £60 (80 dollars), sounded like a ripoff
Okay after psyching myself up for a few days before daring to try it, my first attempt went well at first, i successfully transferred some Beatles from cassette to desktop, but when I hit burn it said I had the wrong disk in (DVD+R), and it told me to put a correct disk in (CD-R/RW)
You learn something new every day, I thought we could write to DVD's..duh...
What does all that R/RW/+R stuff mean anyway?
I'll nip out later and buy some CD-R/RW's, they're the sort I need, right?
You cant write Audio CD to DVD...

R is for Recordable, you can write them only once
RW is Read/Write, you can write and erase them
+ and - markings are designators for recording standard...that shouldnt bother you because i think today every device can read and record both formats...
If you just want to back up your songs you can write the files to a DVD as a data disc, if however you want to play them in a standalone CD player you will need normal CDs :)
Another thing- when I'm transferring stuff from tape to PC, I'm getting no sound while the process is going on, is there a button somewhere that I can select to give me sound?

EDIT- it don't matter, I can see by monitoring the peaks on the screen oscilloscope that the music is going through okay..:ranger:
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