Team FGM - Door Kickers 2


FGM Major General

In these missions, I'll rename in game characters to members here. Who'll be the first to fall?
If you want your name in game, and I'll put you in the new recruits list until an opening opens up.

Assault Team members:
@Rico @Meat Grinder @Concord @mTk @Louis @Hedgehog "Ted"

Support Team members:

@Ithikial @MeatEtr @HOA_KSOP @Badger73

Marksmen Team members:

@Nort @Gunner @Wellsonian @Shorker

Grenadier Team members:

@Nelson1812 @Redbully @Vartuoosi @DoubleD

Black Op Team members:

@Panzer Lehr

Undercover Team:

@Aurelius @Buckykatt

New Recruits:

The Fallen

@Bootie @Rinaldi

In most missions only a few will be able to be picked, so there will be a rotation from mission to mission.


Mission 1: Path to Suck Less
Members: Nathangun & @Rico

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Nice video, I didn't realise they had made Door Kickers 2 and that it was co-op.
Sweet! For a moment I thought you were playing Coop!

have you played with the new local SWAT team yet?
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