Thank-you for having me



Finally found out how to thread, forgive my tardiness I am obviously not too gifted at navigating around. I will learn. Thank-you all for accepting me into A few Good Men, just hope I can become one of the few. I just do CM and would be happy to give any of you a chance to thrash me. I would also be keen to join any tourmnaments that are on the go. My return rate is ON AVERAGE A FILE PER DAY. I believe I have asked to be put on the ladder and look forward to meeting you all as we game on.
Regards Stephen aka Elsheetan
Welcome, if you still need a game drop me a message and we can set something up. I am on a bit of a losing streak....
would love to if you can guarantee the losing streak continues. LOL
Name your poison. Stephen dot child at ntlworld dot com
I'll drop you an email tonight to discuss the battle setup.
We're all a big family here, waddya say Godfather?

"Don't ever take sides with anyone against the family"


Also, new members should remember a few ground rules-

Them clothes got laundry numbers on them. You remember your number and always wear the ones that has your number. Any man forgets his number spends a night in the box.
These here spoons you keep with you. Any man loses his spoon spends a night in the box.
There's no playing grab-ass or fighting in the building. You got a grudge against another man, you fight him Saturday afternoon. Any man playing grab-ass or fighting in the building spends a night in the box.
First bell's at five minutes of eight when you will get in your bunk. Last bell is at eight. Any man not in his bunk at eight spends the night in the box.
There is no smoking in the prone position in bed. To smoke you must have both legs over the side of your bunk. Any man caught smoking in the prone position in bed spends a night in the box.
You get two sheets. Every Saturday, you put the clean sheet on the top, the top sheet on the bottom, and the bottom sheet you turn in to the laundry boy. Any man turns in the wrong sheet spends a night in the box.
No one'll sit in the bunks with dirty pants on. Any man with dirty pants on sitting on the bunks spends a night in the box.
Any man don't bring back his empty pop bottle spends a night in the box.
Any man loud talking spends a night in the box.
Any man don't keep order spends a night in the box

When I was a young man I could not get enough box. How things change.
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