Kicking this off -- one-on-one CMFI fictional campaign set in July 1944... with me as the AXIS and @Paleolithic Monk as the ALLIES.
I look in my orders and then @Paleolithic Monk issues his and I play them out simultaneously.
All battles will be played as Tiny/Small Quick Battles -- either ME's or Probes and Attacks.
Scenario is an Allied breakthrough -- three Allied advance battlegroups from the 6th South African Armoured Division (one South African, one British and one attached American -- all reinforced mechanised infantry battalions with armour support) are exploiting across the Samoggia and Levino rivers towards Corvino airfield and beyond.
The Axis forces have cobbled together reserves to try and stem and possibly push back the Allied advance.
Two Heer Kampfgruppen, one Fallschirmjager and one Waffen SS -- amounting to approximate six all arms battle groups.
Stacking is one unit per zone only. Only one attack per zone. A neighbouring friendly unit may "support" an attack, and that will result in the Probe battle being upgraded to an Attack.
All units have 3 Movement Points (MP) per turn
MP costs:
Movement from one zone to next along road: 1 MP
Movement from one zone to next cross country (dotted lines): 3 MP
Attack into a neighbouring zone: 1 MP
Battles ending in Draws or Minor victory/losses result in a "contested zone" -- which results in a follow-up ME battle in the same zone in the next turn.
A Total. Major or Tactical defeat forces the defeated unit to retreat from the zone (if it cannot do so, it is removed from the map)
A unit that suffers a Total. Major or Tactical defeat, loses a "strength pip" on the counters (full strength units start with 3)

If it loses two battles and is reduced to 1 "strength pip" it can no longer attack but only defend ... if it loses another battle, the counter is removed from the map.
Pips don't reflect purchase strength -- the purchase points remain standard in the QB set ups (whatever you get for a tiny/small ME or Probe battle) -- the pips just reflect the unit's staying power in terms of combat effectiveness and ability to attack. (within the scale of this: a few days of battle, no getting replacements -- you fight with what you have)
For defenders: no time for prepared defences ... so only fortifications allowed are foxholes, sandbag walls and possibly barbed wire barriers.
We're staying away from night battles (the game just doesn't model them very well with the absence of flares)
The opening moves are in.
The South African Cape Town Highlanders are advancing in the north and clash with 1st Btn Kampfgruppe Fritz at Fauglia Pass in a ME battle.
The Natal Carabineers are set to follow up next turn.
In the centre, the British 5th Btn Grenadier Guards advances to Capracotta.
1st Btn Kampfgruppe Steiner move s into position to cover Corvino and Corvino Airfield.
Down south, the US 1st Btn 24th Regt Combat Team advances as far as Fiuggi and clashes with the grenadiers of Waffen SS Btn Becker, detached from the 16th W-SS PzGrenadier Division.
Fallschirmjager Btn Faust is poised to follow on in support.

So two battles have been set up and are kicking off (both 30 turn Tiny ME QB's) -- the idea is to have some fast-moving fun battles.
We shall keep y'all posted how things play out (chances quite high that I might just get by ass kicked by the Allies in this one.)
I look in my orders and then @Paleolithic Monk issues his and I play them out simultaneously.
All battles will be played as Tiny/Small Quick Battles -- either ME's or Probes and Attacks.
Scenario is an Allied breakthrough -- three Allied advance battlegroups from the 6th South African Armoured Division (one South African, one British and one attached American -- all reinforced mechanised infantry battalions with armour support) are exploiting across the Samoggia and Levino rivers towards Corvino airfield and beyond.
The Axis forces have cobbled together reserves to try and stem and possibly push back the Allied advance.
Two Heer Kampfgruppen, one Fallschirmjager and one Waffen SS -- amounting to approximate six all arms battle groups.
Stacking is one unit per zone only. Only one attack per zone. A neighbouring friendly unit may "support" an attack, and that will result in the Probe battle being upgraded to an Attack.
All units have 3 Movement Points (MP) per turn
MP costs:
Movement from one zone to next along road: 1 MP
Movement from one zone to next cross country (dotted lines): 3 MP
Attack into a neighbouring zone: 1 MP
Battles ending in Draws or Minor victory/losses result in a "contested zone" -- which results in a follow-up ME battle in the same zone in the next turn.
A Total. Major or Tactical defeat forces the defeated unit to retreat from the zone (if it cannot do so, it is removed from the map)
A unit that suffers a Total. Major or Tactical defeat, loses a "strength pip" on the counters (full strength units start with 3)

If it loses two battles and is reduced to 1 "strength pip" it can no longer attack but only defend ... if it loses another battle, the counter is removed from the map.
Pips don't reflect purchase strength -- the purchase points remain standard in the QB set ups (whatever you get for a tiny/small ME or Probe battle) -- the pips just reflect the unit's staying power in terms of combat effectiveness and ability to attack. (within the scale of this: a few days of battle, no getting replacements -- you fight with what you have)
For defenders: no time for prepared defences ... so only fortifications allowed are foxholes, sandbag walls and possibly barbed wire barriers.
We're staying away from night battles (the game just doesn't model them very well with the absence of flares)
The opening moves are in.
The South African Cape Town Highlanders are advancing in the north and clash with 1st Btn Kampfgruppe Fritz at Fauglia Pass in a ME battle.
The Natal Carabineers are set to follow up next turn.
In the centre, the British 5th Btn Grenadier Guards advances to Capracotta.
1st Btn Kampfgruppe Steiner move s into position to cover Corvino and Corvino Airfield.
Down south, the US 1st Btn 24th Regt Combat Team advances as far as Fiuggi and clashes with the grenadiers of Waffen SS Btn Becker, detached from the 16th W-SS PzGrenadier Division.
Fallschirmjager Btn Faust is poised to follow on in support.

So two battles have been set up and are kicking off (both 30 turn Tiny ME QB's) -- the idea is to have some fast-moving fun battles.
We shall keep y'all posted how things play out (chances quite high that I might just get by ass kicked by the Allies in this one.)
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