The Illusion of a ‘limited war’ against Iran



How Would Iran Respond to US Attack?
The Illusion of a ‘limited war’ against Iran

By Mahan Abedin
Guest editorial for Informed Comment

August 12, 2010 "Information Clearing House" -- The frank admission by Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and America’s highest ranking officer, that the U.S. has plans to attack Iran to prevent that country from acquiring nuclear weapons, is being treated with the utmost seriousness in political, intelligence and military circles in Tehran.

This is the first time that a high-ranking U.S. official has spoken about the existence of military plans to prevent the Islamic Republic from crossing the nuclear threshold. There is considerable evidence that Mullen’s frank statement, coupled with the Obama Administration’s increasingly hostile and dismissive attitude towards Iran, and reinforced by the fourth round of United Nations sanctions imposed in June (followed by even harsher unilateral sanctions imposed by both the European Union and the United States), has radically altered the Tehran regime’s strategic calculations on the possibility of a military confrontation with the United States.

Hitherto the conventional wisdom amongst strategic policy makers in the Islamic Republic was that the U.S. would adhere to the ‘no war no peace’ policy, irrespective of the bellicose rhetoric of American leaders and officials. The policy of ‘no war no peace’ has characterized Iranian-American relations since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in February 1979.

The basic premise of this policy is that at different stages Iran and America edge towards war or peace – depending on the prevailing strategic scenario in the region – but never quite actually achieve either. The result is that most of the time the two states are somewhere in the middle conducting a Cold War, in which leaders and officials from both sides trade insults and engage in ideological and political grandstanding, but stop well short of the point where further escalation of tensions might trigger a hot war.

For the past thirty-one years this policy has benefited most of the key stakeholders, including hardline political factions in both countries, the regional Arab states, Turkey, Pakistan and Israel. All have benefited from this Iranian-American Cold War, insofar as the paucity of diplomatic and political relations between Iran and America has continuously opened up a wide range of strategic, political and economic benefits. By the same token, these stake holders would have much to lose if Iran and America actually engaged in real fighting. While this argument has manifold shortcomings, nonetheless it does capture a large part of the reality of Iranian-American relations since 1979. In any case it is what key Iranian strategic policy makers have believed all along. Until now that is.

Despite the fact that a few days before Mullen’s statement, the supreme commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC—Sepah-e-Pasdaran in Persian), Brigadier General Mohammad Ali Jafari, dismissed U.S. threats, claiming that America “would not dare to attack Iranâ€, other IRGC leaders have in recent months continuously warned of the immediate and long-term fallout of any military confrontation. The head of the IRGC’s political-ideological unit recently warned of “dire†threats to regional security in the event of an American military attack. Meanwhile Ahmad Vahidi, Iran’s defence minister and a former commander of the IRGC’s elite Qods Force (responsible for special foreign operations), has pledged a “robust†response to any American military aggression against Iran.

It has been clear for months that the mood of IRGC commanders has been changing and Mullen’s statement appears to lend credence to the strategic calculations of the Revolutionary Guard commanders. This development is of the utmost significance, since in the event of an Iranian-American military confrontation, the IRGC is expected to be at the forefront of containing the American assault and retaliating with military measures of its own.

In fact, in the event of a military confrontation Iranian leaders are likely to relieve the regular Iranian military from fighting, so as to keep them out of harm’s way and maintain the integrity and fighting strength of the regular armed forces. There is another reason for this decision and that has to do with the depleted capabilities of the national military; in the past thirty years the national armed forces have insidiously lost power and prestige to the IRGC. It is worth noting that Iran is the only country in the world that operates two completely independent military commands; one centred on the regular armed forces, and the other on the IRGC, which operates its own ground forces, navy and air force, as well as a myriad of intelligence and security services. Moreover, the IRGC controls all of Iran’s strategic military assets, including mid-range ballistic missile capability.

It has become fashionable to paint the IRGC as an economic conglomerate more interested in making money than fighting for the values of the Islamic Revolution. Much of the reporting on IRGC economic activity is inaccurate and disingenuous and is indicative of the faux-naif style of analysis often employed by Western journalists and analysts.

The truth is that whilst the IRGC has a sizeable economic wing centred on the Khatam ol-Anbia complex (Qarargah-e Khatam ol-Anbia), its economic and financial activities are kept strictly separate from its fighting units. In any case, the IRGC is foremost an ideological army that is totally and unequivocally committed to the survival of the Islamic Revolution, and the political-religious system that emerged from that revolution. Even former reformist president (and now opposition leader) Mohammad Khatami referred to the IRGC as the “most ideological armed force in the world.â€

American political and military leaders would be mistaken if they believed they could get away with a “limited†military strike on Iran, designed to destroy that country’s nuclear infrastructure. Any military strike on Iran by the United States will be interpreted by Iran’s rulers, and their IRGC enforcers, as a direct assault on the integrity and the very existence of the Islamic Republic. From a strategic point of view, IRGC commanders will interpret any American strike as the beginning of an existential conflict, and will respond appropriately.

A top priority for the IRGC high command is to respond so harshly and decisively so as to deter the Americans from a second set of strikes at a future point. The idea here is to avoid what happened to Iraq in the period 1991-2003, when the former Baathist regime was so weakened by sanctions and repeated small-scale military attacks that it quickly collapsed in the face of American and British invading armies.

The range of predictable responses available to the IRGC high command include dramatic hit ad run attacks against military and commercial shipping in the Persian Gulf, the use of mid-range ballistic missiles against American bases in the region and Israel and a direct assault on American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. All these options are likely to be used within 48 hours of the start of hostilities.

What is less predictable is the response of the IRGC Qods Force, which is likely to be at the forefront of the Pasdaran’s counter-attack. One possible response by the Qods force is spectacular terrorist-style attacks against American intelligence bases and assets throughout the region. The IRGC Qods Force is believed to have identified every key component of the American intelligence apparatus in the Middle East, Afghanistan and Pakistan. They are likely to put this information to good use, especially since the Qods Force suspects that the CIA had a hand in last October’s Jundullah-organised suicide bombing targeting IRGC commanders in Iran’s volatile Sistan va Baluchistan province.

The IRGC navy will also play a key asymmetrical role in the conflict by organising maritime suicide bombings on an industrial scale. By manning its fleet of speedboats with suicide bombers and ramming them into American warships and even neutral commercial shipping, the Pasdaran will hope to close the Strait of Hormuz, through which nearly 40 percent of world crude oil supplies pass.

The combination of these asymmetrical forms of warfare with more conventional style missile and even ground force attacks on American bases in the region will likely result in thousands of American military casualties in the space of a few weeks. The IRGC has both the will and wherewithal to inflict a level of casualties on American armed forces not seen since the Second World War.

Even if the United States manages to destroy Iran’s nuclear infrastructure and much of the country’s military assets, the IRGC can still claim victory by claiming to have given the Americans a bloody nose and producing an outcome not dissimilar from the Israeli-Hezbollah military engagement in the summer of 2006.

The political effect of this will likely be even more explosive than the actual fighting. Not only will it awaken the sleeping giant of Iranian nationalism, thus aligning the broad mass of the people with the regime, it will also shore up Iran’s image in the region and prove once and for all that the Islamic Republic is prepared to fight to the death to uphold its principles. Suddenly Iran’s allies in the region – particularly non-state actors like Hezbollah and Hamas – would stand ten feet tall.

Ironically U.S. military aggression will likely accelerate the actualisation of the very scenario that American political and military leaders insist they are determined to prevent, i.e. a nuclear armed Iran. Even if we accept the contentious proposition that Iran’s nuclear programme has a military dimension, the immediate reaction of Iran’s rulers to military aggression would be to start a crash programme to produce a nuclear weapon, as a means of deterring future aggression.

Contrary to what Mike Mullen and other American military commanders appear to believe, a military attack on Iran really is the very worst option. Its consequences for Iran, the region and the United States are dangerously unpredictable, to the extent that any decision to attack would be nothing less than stunningly reckless and quite possibly the worst strategic mistake in American military history. Responsible actors in the international system should exert the maximum effort to avoid an Iranian-American War.
If even th "socialis" governement of Obama seems to contemplate a military option in Iran, it must be a serious problem. Or not ?
Yeah your right. What a mess it has become. But realistically... is there ever going to be a total exit strategy that would work?

No idea... let's not forget the current mess in Iran is a direct result of the west supporting the tyrannical regime of the Shah in the late 60's, which gave rise to the islamist revolt and the rise of the Ayatollahs, and then supporting another nutcase dictator Saddam in Iraq to wage war against Iran (admittedly the west didn't tell Saddam to attack, but it suited them pretty well at the time...)
By Mahan Abedin
Guest editorial for Informed Comment.
Quote- "a military attack on Iran really is the very worst option. Its consequences for Iran, the region and the United States are dangerously unpredictable, to the extent that any decision to attack would be nothing less than stunningly reckless and quite possibly the worst strategic mistake in American military history."


Woolly-minded rubbish.
The West has GOT to airstrike Iran's nuclear reactors before they go into full production and start handing out nuke bomb-making ingredients around the muslim world.
A ground invasion isn't necessary, all that's needed are a series of air/drone/cruise missile surgical strikes to demolish the reactors.
It's like if you see a mad kid walking down your street with an AK-47, you take it off him before he starts doing any damage.
There's already a precedent for airstrikes, Iran damaged Saddams Osirak reactor in a 1980 strike, then Israel put it out of action in 1981, then American strikes finished it off in 91-


Osama Bin Laden, Time Magazine 1998- "Acquiring weapons for the defense of Muslims is a religious duty. If I have indeed acquired these weapons, then I thank God for enabling me to do so. And if I seek to acquire these weapons, I am carrying out a duty. It would be a sin for Muslims not to try to possess the weapons that would prevent the infidels from inflicting harm on Muslims..
Hostility toward America is a religious duty, and we hope to be rewarded for it by God . . . . I am confident that Muslims will be able to end the legend of the so-called superpower that is America."

Well, the Russian's got lots of oil, too - why not buy it from them? :tongue1: Thing is: if no one - not even the Sacred East - has got any oil left, the Russians will. Apart from that the rest of the world also has got oil. maybe all that money being pumped in the military would be better used for extracting oil in the western hemisphere...
I'm happy to see that this posting created controversy over a very interesting and timely subject. That's really great, guys. I'm sort of in between myself, either blasted them out of nuclear options or suffer the consequences later. It's a very troubling and complicated world we all live in these days, nothing is black and white.
..It's a very troubling and complicated world we all live in these days, nothing is black and white.

Try this mate-

If we let Iran produce nukes = We die.
If we don't let Iran produce nukes = We live.

Remember, muslims won't need aircraft or missiles to deliver their nukes because they can just be suitcase-sized things easily carried by hand or car or small motorboat etc.

Consider this scenario- One of Iran's Kilo-class subs (they have 3) travels submerged to a couple miles off New York (or any other coastal city anywhere in the world) and releases a nuke bomb (a BIG one) onto the sea bed with a time fuse, then hightails it outta there.
An hour later the bomb goes off and the sunami wipes out NY and contaminates the rest of the state with radiation.

I do believe that a nuclear bomb will be detonated at sometime in the not too distant future in one of our Western civilization cities. The consequences are difficult to contemplate. I'm almost 70 years old and I hope I never see it, but for sure it will eventually happen.
The clock is ticking, for a nuclear capable Iran is just days away. An Isreali/US surgical strike after the facilities go on line will produce a nuclear fallout the likes of a very large dirty bomb....poisoning the entire Gulf region , Eastern Europe and Western asia depending on air currents. Like POS stated it...Iran with Nukes = Bad news...
A limited war is a mith, if the US attacked Iran, the shock waves would bounce around the world. I thought, that by now they would of realised after the mess of Iraq and Afganistan you cant fight limited wars in the middle east. Dont get me wrong I have no time for the whole damn area, but a better way to bring the arabs to heel is do away with oil. If us in the west put as much effort into finding and using other fuel sources we could just turn our backs on the arabs and tell them to stick their oil, with out oil money they are stuffed :-D.
A limited war is a mith, if the US attacked Iran, the shock waves would bounce around the world. I thought, that by now they would of realised after the mess of Iraq and Afganistan you cant fight limited wars in the middle east. Dont get me wrong I have no time for the whole damn area, but a better way to bring the arabs to heel is do away with oil. If us in the west put as much effort into finding and using other fuel sources we could just turn our backs on the arabs and tell them to stick their oil, with out oil money they are stuffed :-D.

Yes dead right starve the Ba####d out, You just can't help these Arab/Musliam countries, what ever the West does to help them is a complete waste of time, as soon the troops pull out, they will revert back to there old way's, and telling them to poke there oil would be the best thing that could ever happen
...but then you must still deal with the spread of the militant mouslim theology around the world and its fostering global terrorism
All the more reason to get on with oil and gas drilling right here in the US , Alaska and Canada. There's more than enough oil to cover our needs for years until alternative resources are developed.
...but then you must still deal with the spread of the militant mouslim theology around the world and its fostering global terrorism

They need money to spread this filth, so no money no spread. Look at the taining camps in Pakistan they need money to fund them, and the attacks on our troops in Iraq and Afganistan they all need money . Lets put the Arab world back in the stone age and let them fade away to dust.
Nontheless I cannot believe that even a coutnry like Iran would be stupid enough to use nuclear weapons for real. Everyone knows that one's a dead end (or at least I hope so). Sadly, they're also the biggest and most terrible weapons we have invented so far which makes them a very attractive "global" deterrent. But to have those actually be used, you'd need not only the guy in charge to be a complete nutcase but qn outright lunatic whose minds has gone off to Mars already so to speak. But if it's that bad, we needn't worry anyway because the end time IS upon us.

Anyway, what can realistically be done about Iran? If the US do an preemptive strike, the whole Near and Middle East will erupt in war (which might happen anyway sooner or later) and how you're gonna deal with that problem then? I'm not really sure they're realistically contemplating attacking Iran - "Having plans" doesn't exactly mean that those plans are in any way viable or realistic.
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