The Island War

The Island War: Cargol vs Rico

Cooking up an idea for a fun one-on-one campaign developed from the Bootie-Rico Wars concept that we're busy fighting.


This is also a fun campaign, set on a ficticious island split between the Western Republic and the eastern Empire... this time with 3 ongoing battles at any one time, with the winner of any battle retaining the initiative and being able to launch further attacks, to a maximum of 3 attacks... but in this one, the attacks could be split between both sides.
Also, for the loss of every two towns, the side which loses these towns loses 1 Attack Initiative, which then stays with the oposing side, until one of the lost towns is recaptured.
Any hexes surrounded by enemy hexes or with no access to a road to a friendly supply town, is also captured. Towns and cities surrounded have to be assaulted.
In case of a Draw, a tie-breaker battle is set up, winner takes the enemy hex.
The side with more initiative, sets up their attacks first.
A hex from which an attack is being launched may not be attacked.

I'm suggesting all battles are CMAK 1000 pts Armor Force Mix Meeting Engagements, with Random Kit pick, all set in December 1944,small maps with random terrain (unless attacking a forest or town/city hex), Random weather, all quality set at medium and rarity also at random.... for Allies troop nationality is also set at random.

The Blue half of the island will play Axis and the Green half Allies.

Winner is whoever captures the enemy capital city first... simple, really :)

I'll probably be looking for an opponent pretty soon (from my regulars most likely) to test this baby out.
The battles are up and running... here some snapshots from the winter battlefields by our intrepid war photographers as they document the Eastern Empire's heroic defence against the nefarious Western incursion!


Battle 1:This most northerly battle is being fought in blizzard conditions... here a Tiger tank approaches a village covered in enemy smoke shells, as the infantry labour through the deep snow to get into attack positions. With the strong wind blowing, the enemy's smokescreen shouldn't last too long.


Battle 2: Keeping the enemy heads down... a snapshot of an armoured Flak halftrack giving covering fire for our advancing infantry... while one of our tanks is seen advancing into a firing position in the background.


Battle 3: A PzIV in hulldown position on a hilltop, engaging enemy Shermans at long range... this tank has already killed one enmy tank and has two more in his sights!
Western Republic forces are trying desperatelly to hold their ground and save their country from
the Eastern hordes.
Pics that just came from our propaganda Coy.


......So, would you say the battle is readers at the Tribune want to know if they should pack for the mainland!

We are nearing the end of the current round of fighting and so far...

Battle 1 is going ok so far and is looking to probably end in a Eastern Empire victory

Battle 2 -- not so good, lost 3 StuGs to very accurate long-range Sherman fire, contesting the main flag, hoping to hold on for a Draw.

Battle 3 down south at Laketown is that complete mess of a night battle -- Cargol's sitting on the main Flag and I gotta dig out his infantry who look to also have been issued with a gazillion bazookas -- this one might just go to the Western Forces. :-(

We shall see.
All three battles ended up in Eastern Empire Victories -- although two of them were very close and were basically lucky Minor Victories!

The carnage of destroyed enemy armour surrounds a lone victorious Eastern Empire PzIV... snap shot from the hard-fought central battle #2.


The Eastern Imperial Forces keep on advancing relentlessly and are now attacking the Western towns of Eastburg and Laketown while the Westen Armies attempt to rally...


Bad news, the Eastern Offensive has been blunted by General Cargol's Western armies.
In Eastburg, cargol scored a Minor Victory in a vicious night battle fought in about 24 metres visibility.
In the centre, the Eastern Armies are victorious in a strange battle on a mountainous map with dense forests, no roads at all... and the AI gives me a platoon of 4 Brummbaers... but hey, they held out even in these strange circumstances to win the day.
In the last battle for the town of Laketown, cargol's superior armour won the day and both towns are safe... for now.


Snapshot from battle 2: Does a Brummbear **** in the forest...? :)

PS: This screenshot shows that I really need to install a good Brummbaer mod :)

Update on my ongoing struggle vs Cargol.

My attempt to capture Laketown (Eastern attack 1) seems to be heading for a stalemated urban battle...
In Western Attack 2, my forces are up against the wall... holding on desperatedly to hold on to contest the only main flag while getting the crap shot out of my infantry by his Shermans, who also made short work out of most of my PzIV's :-(
Western Attack 1 is going much better -- the Eastern Force consisting of mainly Hetzers seem to have destroyed most of the Western armour -- although one armoured car sneakily got a side shot on one of my hetzers and the crew bailed... so far so good.
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